Brunch的好選擇Melange早上7:30就開了. 早鳥的我一直是它的愛好者. 畢竟大部份的cafe 11am 才開. Melange換上新的名片, menu 也變得更多樣化, 除了常見的咖啡, 茶類, 鬆餅, 蛋糕, 三明治等等, 還引進英國Fortnum & Mason茶葉和進口啤酒.
Love to enjoy my brunch at Melange as it starts early from 7:30 on weekdays. New business card and menu. They have extended their menu including Fortnum & Mason's tea and various imported beer. Anyone into beer with waffles and quiches though?
草莓奶油鬆餅 - 厚厚酥酥的鬆餅, 新鮮香甜的大草莓及草莓冰淇淋(若不喜歡奶油,店家會貼心的把奶油換成草莓冰淇淋) 吃了會覺得很開心ㄟ. 大份量, 一個人吃不完, 跟好友分享最棒了!
Strawberry Waffle - comes with fresh strawberries, a scoop of strawberry ice-cream and a scoop of custard. You can request to replace the custard into ice-cream (or vice-versa) as desired. The dish was very aromatic and rich in flavour. It has always been one of my favourites at Melange.
十分優質的宇治抹茶冰淇淋百匯, 每來必點! 最底層是抹茶冰沙, 加上抹茶冰淇淋, 帶有紅豆顆粒的紅豆泥, 還暗藏玄機的放了幾顆芋園在中間歐.
Another favourites of mine - Green Tea Ice-Cream - Green tea frappe at the bottom followed by green tea ice-cream and red bean paste with lots of surprises!
俄羅斯果茶(香橙果醬)喝起來像韓國的柚子茶(或是金桔茶). 附上一小碟的橙果醬, 舀一小湯匙的橙果醬入茶杯, 再倒入現泡的茶. 我還是比較喜歡鮮果茶
Russian Fruit Tea tasted like Korean style fruit tea. It came with a small dish of orange jam - to be added into the cup together with the tea. Still prefer Fruit Tea which is more appertizing.
用餐當日是平日早上的10點, 來到米朗琪二店, 已經坐無虛席. 每回來這兒, 總會心想 - 怎麼悠閒的人這麼多啊?美中不足之處是 - 無法靜靜的看書或雜誌, 很可惜! 坐滿了人但變得很吵雜, 沒有cafe的感覺, 反倒像去熱炒店. 生意太好, 也是沒辦法的事罷. 和Sah兩人嘻嘻哈哈的, 也沒把要看靜下心來看雜誌的事放在心上了.
Arrived at 10am on a weekday and Melange Cafe was already full with diners. It became too noisy that I felt like I was in a Chinese restaurant. Maybe it is the payoff of being a famous cafe in Taipei.
早餐由7:30開始供應. 9:30開始供應鬆餅, 三明治等點心. Breakfast starts from 7:30. Waffles and sandwiches menu starts from 9:30.
(02) 25672136
From 7:30am on weekdays, 9:30am on weekends