在綿綿細雨的冬日週末來到青田七六, 彷彿進入時光隧道, 有懷舊的日式房屋及傢俱. 青田七六位於青田街七巷六號, 是屬於台北帝大(現在的台灣大學)日本籍教授集體開發興建的'大學住宅組合' 之一, 於1931年落成. 1945年起, 由接手台灣大學學者馬廷英教授入住, 直到2007年. 青田七六於2006年由台北市列為直轄市定古蹟, 命名'國立台灣大學日式宿舍-馬廷英故居'. 青田七六於2011年正式對外開放, 提供日式簡餐定食(午餐及晚餐)以及下午茶. 還提供導覽服務. This old Japanese style housing was bulit back in 1931 as part of the professors' dormitory for National Taiwan University. It has been the professor's residence until 2007. It was also listed as one of the Municipal Heritages of Taipei in 2006. It opened its door to the public in 2011 offering Japanese set menu (lunch and dinner) and afternoon tea. Guided tour is also available upon reservation.


炸豬排定食 - 每份定食均附鍋物, 白飯上的紫蘇梅好吃歐. 可惜炸豬排炸得太硬太老. Tonkatsu Set - all set meal comes with a mini hot pot. The plum on the rice was tasty. Pity that the tonkatsu was too hard.


和風雞腿定食 - 去骨雞腿肉有先煎過才加入teriyaki sauce. 可惜跟炸豬排一樣, 太老太硬. Teriyaki Chicken Thigh Set - Deboned chicken thigh was pan fried before the teriyaki sauce was added. As above, the chicken was overcooked and too hard to chew.


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每回經過南京東路一段的JBSD涓豆腐總是大排長龍. 有天心血來潮想吃韓國菜, 決定到這兒試試. 點餐後先送上無限供應的小菜 - 一家人各有所好, 大碗公喜歡煎豆腐, 麵帥及飯Q支持海苔, 而我喜歡吃涼拌黃豆芽. I was craving for Korean food on one cold Saturday afternoon. Decided to try Dubu House on Nan Jing East Road originating from Korea. Free flow of cold dishes - my favourite was the bean sprouts. 


牛肉泡菜嫩豆腐鍋 - 豆腐鍋送上後服務生才加入生雞蛋. 還附上一鍋的石鍋飯. 我們點的是小辣, 味道適中, 牛肉挺嫩的, 不過肉片的數量不多, 泡菜也很少. 石鍋飯有加入一些紫米, 吃起來很健康, 石鍋內的鍋巴黏在底部, 倒入一些麥茶, 再加蓋, 10分鐘後就變成粥摟! Kimchi Soondubu with Beef (the set comes with a stone pot rice) - we ordered mild flavour which was tasty. The beef was tender but the portion was small. The kimchi was not a lot either. 


海鮮煎餅 - 有厚以及薄兩種選擇. 以下的是厚片, 皮過厚, 沒有香穌的口感, 吃起來像是小時候女鐵人自製的蛋餅. 值得加分的只有新鮮的海鮮吧. Seafood Pancake - you can pick either thick or thin crust. The photo below shown the thick crust which was a diasppointment. It was bit soggy with no crunchy taste. The only plus side is the fresh seafood.


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位於中和的祥鈺港式茶樓沒有華麗的裝潢, 餐具還有些斑駁, 但是味道真的十分道地. 喜歡港式飲茶的朋友有空去試試吧! 老闆娘介紹他們的點心都是師傅天天現做, 用餐當天有看到幾位師傅忙碌的進進出出, 是一間十分有生氣的茶樓. 蘿蔔糕 - 港式的蘿蔔糕會加入臘腸塊, 還吃得到蘿蔔絲, 煎的酥酥的, 每桌必點歐. 老闆娘說農曆年期間還可以大塊盒裝供客人購買. Radish Cake - crispy skin with strong aroma of radish and sliced sausages, our top pick of the day!


叉燒酥 - 現烤的叉燒酥外酥內軟, 黃色的酥皮有淡淡的蛋黃香味, 非常好吃. BBQ Pork Pastry - I am a big fan of BBQ Pork Pastry...it has met all my requirements - crispy skin, tender filling and aromatic smell.


蝦腸粉 - 新鮮的蝦配上軟硬適中的腸粉皮, 非常好吃. Prawn Cheong Fun - very fresh prawns....big thumbs up! 


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Ping Peng Pong 的 blog 荒廢了將近一個月, 吃吃喝喝沒有間斷, 只是變懶惰了. 過了新年決定要奮發圖強, 繼續耕耘我的 blog. 這回介紹我尋覓已久, 小時候鐵牛及鐵牛嫂在我舞蹈課下課後常帶我去吃宵夜的當歸豬腳. 後來夜市搬遷, 我就再也找不到相同的口味了. 事隔10多年, 我終於找回兒時記憶中好吃的當歸豬腳, 吃的當兒, 感動地快要哭了! 位於台北火車站附近, 歸綏街上的當歸豬腳店, 下午四點半開始營業, 不要太早來歐!當歸豬腳 - 淡淡的當歸味, 湯頭很香, 有超級豐富的膠質, 喝了嘴唇會黏住, 天然的養顏美容聖品! 照片下的豬腳帶骨頭, 記得點的時候要跟老闆說‘四角'.

Been a lazy bug for almost a month. Decided to pick up my laptop and be motivated again after the New Year. I love the clear broth of pork nuckle soup since I was a little girl. Before my teen's, Iron Man and Iron Lady used to take me to enjoy the soup after ballet classes. However, the stall was gone since the night market was shut down. I have finally found the same taste right here near Taipei train station. I was almost in tears when I sipped the soup. The pork nuckle soup has slight taste of Chinese herbal - angelica sinensis. It has plenty of collegen which glues your lips straight away.    


腿肉麵線 - 適合不愛啃骨頭的朋友. 大碗公吃了2碗, 還說'這家店以後會再想來!' 麵線煮的過軟, 是美中不足之處, 下回來要點湯配白飯. 發現其他桌的食客大部份都是這麼吃的歐. De-boned pork nuckle noodle soup - the noodle is the traditional mee sua. Unfortunately it was over cooked which became very soft. I would skip the mee sua and go for the soup with rice in my next visit.



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位於東區的麻膳堂是我們一家常去的地方, 因為有麵有飯, 重口味, 淡口味在這兒都找得到, 算是滿足大家的喜好. 另一大優點就是good location, 走幾步路就是地下停車場, 吃太飽或是天氣好還可以到對面的國父紀念館散步, 是個方便的選擇. 我每來必點的麻辣牛肉麵 / 麻辣豬肉麵 - 帶有花椒的湯頭, 辣的過癮, 加上川燙豆芽, 鴨血, 豆皮, 牛肉片, 冬天吃真的是大呼過癮! 不過它的牛肉以及豬肉片有點太硬, 是因為煮太久還是片的太厚, 就不得而知了.

We have been a regular of this eatery due to various reasons. They offer extensive choice of dishes - noodle or rice; spicy or mild; soup or dried. Another plus point would be its loaction with easy access to underground carpark. You  can also visit CKS Memorial Hall which is just across the road. My top pick - Hot and Spicy Beef (or Pork) Noodle Soup has very nice broth with a hint of spices. Bean sprout, bean curd and duck blood jelly are also added into the dish. Very filling especially in winter time. The meat slices (both beef and pork) are on the chewy side though. A point of improvement for sure.



清燉牛肉麵 - 牛肉選用的部位和麻辣牛肉麵不同, 是軟軟嫩嫩的牛腱. 入口即化, 很好吃. 湯頭一般, 可能是已經被麻辣牛肉湯辣到麻痹了. 哈哈


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連續下了超過一星期的雨, 雨終於停了! 來到位於天母Sogo旁的Pizzeria Oggi用午餐, 心情隨著大太陽放晴. Pizzeria Oggi 專賣pizza, 也有沙拉及開胃菜可選. 最優的是它的pizza餅皮非常好吃, 薄薄地, 口感很好. 就算冷了也美味, 不會硬的像砂紙. Pizzeria Oggi 在民權東路靠近松山機場也開了一間店歐!

Pizzeria Oggi has two outlets in Taipei. We visited their first store in Tienmu who only serves pizza, salad and antipasti. However, good pizza means good business. They newly added a pizzeria outlet in Minquan East Road near Taipei Airport. 


帕馬火腿芝麻葉pizza - 每桌都有點的ㄧ道!是Oggi的Top 1. 新鮮的芝麻葉吃起來微澀, 帕馬火腿有淡淡的煙薰味, 搭配的很棒, 當家花旦真的是當之無愧. 

Prosciutto e rucola (Parma Ham with Rocket) - Top 1 in this eatery. I noticed that every table has ordered this pizza. Loved their dough, thin and chewy. Would defenitely order this pizza in my next visit.


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好友珍珠兔介紹位於內湖的五棧小館是個有個性的小館 -  不起眼的招牌; 一周只開五天; 不論是午餐還是晚餐時段, 內用或外帶的食客總是很多; 由於是半開放式的廚房, 廚房師父和外場的老闆娘往往因溝通不良而吵架! 總括以上幾點, 想吃的人一定要耐心的等等等; 不過它的雞腿跟東坡肉真的是太好吃了, 值得等待! 五棧小館之前賣的是便當, 一個主菜搭配三種每日替換的小菜, 非常豐富. 這回再度造訪, menu 做了小小的改變, 只有單點, 三種每日替換的小菜不再提供. 不過重要的雞腿, 黃魚跟東坡肉還在菜單上 (真叫我鬆了口氣)! 在一個下著大雨平日中午11:30來到五棧小館, 已經有五組外帶的食客, 我們還是等了超過半小時菜才送上. 

Partner in crime - Rabbit Pearl took me to this eatery half a year ago. It became one of my favourite eateries to date. Their Taiwanese style fried drumstick has won my vote being the best in town. Be prepared to wait for a while as the chefs and the owner are in their own pace when serving their customers. 



東坡肉 - 肥瘦適中, 紅燒地肥而不膩, 香味撲鼻, 十分下飯, 小小年紀的飯帥光吃東坡肉就吃了一碗飯. 


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十月份來了趟曼谷, 好友蘋果小姐招待我們到四面佛旁, Grand Hyatt Hotel 二樓的 Erawan Tea Room 用晚餐. 餐廳的氣氛很好, 現點現料理的泰國菜一一出現在厚厚的menu讓食客吃到飽. 而且非常的好吃. 讓我有相見恨晚的感覺.

A good friend of ours treated us to Erawan Tea Room (2nd floor in Grand Hyatt Hotel Bangkok) during our visit in October. You can find all the signature Thai dishes in this restaurant. All dishes are freshly cooked when ordered. As it is all you can eat, all dishes are served in small portion nicely presented. I was so regret that I didn't know this place in my earlier visits to Bangkok. Besides excellent Thai cuisine, nice deco with friendly staff also made this restaurant an enjoyable experience.


 Fried Chicken in Spicy Sauce - 醬汁十分香, 只有微微的辣椒味. 雞肉處理的很鮮嫩.  Tender fried chicken with slightly spicy taste.



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好友珍珠兔介紹的 Journey Kaffe 位於內湖科學園區, 是個適合一個人或是跟好友, 家人去的地方.  早餐點了迷迭香煎鮑魚菇, 鮑魚菇煎地脆脆的, 地中海燴菜煮的很美味, 黑裸麥麵包 (sourdough bread)中間夾了cheese, 很香歐. 馬鈴薯沙拉味道一般, 透明容器的醬汁不知道要配誰ㄟ. 

Journey Kaffe is situated in Nei Hu, Taipei which is easily access by MRT. It's suitable if you are going alone, or with family and friends. We ordered Fried Ablone Mushroom with Rosemary from their breakfast menu. Mushroom and sauteed vegetable were fresh with strong aroma. Lightly toasted sourdough with cheese was great. Mashed potato and rosemary dip were just average.


義大利臘腸磚餅, 我很愛吃磚餅, 薄薄的餅皮中間夾了新鮮蔬菜, 吃起來甜甜的. 沒想到吃到中間有嗆辣的墨西哥青辣椒, 有加分的作用.  義大利臘腸的味道不強, 少了煙薰的香味, 覺得吃起來像一般的火腿.

I am a big fan of wraps. We ordered salami & Ham Wrap - plenty of fresh vegetables with cheese. I was surprised with the strong hit of jalapeno pepper slices. Salami tasted more like ham as it didn't have the smokey flavour. 


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十月初台北阪急百貨B2開了來自東京的三田製麵所. 主要賣的是沾麵. 也有賣拉麵. 湯頭有原味和辣味可選. 曾經去過2次都因為排隊太長而放棄, 這回可是有備而來, 等阪急的店門11點開張, 我們就衝進去, 還搶了頭香!哈!

Tokyo Mita opened its first Taipei branch at Hankyu Department Store in early Oct. They specialise in tsukemen (dipping ramen) with 2 types of dipping broth - mild or spicy flavours. We finally made it at our 3rd attempt as we waited for its door to open at 11am.



11 am right after the door opened


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