Ping Peng Pong 的 blog 荒廢了將近一個月, 吃吃喝喝沒有間斷, 只是變懶惰了. 過了新年決定要奮發圖強, 繼續耕耘我的 blog. 這回介紹我尋覓已久, 小時候鐵牛及鐵牛嫂在我舞蹈課下課後常帶我去吃宵夜的當歸豬腳. 後來夜市搬遷, 我就再也找不到相同的口味了. 事隔10多年, 我終於找回兒時記憶中好吃的當歸豬腳, 吃的當兒, 感動地快要哭了! 位於台北火車站附近, 歸綏街上的當歸豬腳店, 下午四點半開始營業, 不要太早來歐!當歸豬腳 - 淡淡的當歸味, 湯頭很香, 有超級豐富的膠質, 喝了嘴唇會黏住, 天然的養顏美容聖品! 照片下的豬腳帶骨頭, 記得點的時候要跟老闆說‘四角'.
Been a lazy bug for almost a month. Decided to pick up my laptop and be motivated again after the New Year. I love the clear broth of pork nuckle soup since I was a little girl. Before my teen's, Iron Man and Iron Lady used to take me to enjoy the soup after ballet classes. However, the stall was gone since the night market was shut down. I have finally found the same taste right here near Taipei train station. I was almost in tears when I sipped the soup. The pork nuckle soup has slight taste of Chinese herbal - angelica sinensis. It has plenty of collegen which glues your lips straight away.
腿肉麵線 - 適合不愛啃骨頭的朋友. 大碗公吃了2碗, 還說'這家店以後會再想來!' 麵線煮的過軟, 是美中不足之處, 下回來要點湯配白飯. 發現其他桌的食客大部份都是這麼吃的歐. De-boned pork nuckle noodle soup - the noodle is the traditional mee sua. Unfortunately it was over cooked which became very soft. I would skip the mee sua and go for the soup with rice in my next visit.
滷肉飯 - 味道一般, 飯帥還是吃光光, 誰叫他是飯帥ㄋ? Braised Pork Rice - the flavour was quite surprise to us
小小的店面, 燈光明亮, 店面還算乾淨. 桌子擺到騎樓, 有許多的小黃大叔的支持者. Small but clean shop front. A lot of cabby driver supporters.
opens from 4:30pm