韓記老虎麵位於市民大道, 微風廣場的斜對面, 也是我愛去的Burger 1885 Store 正對面, 老虎麵其實和老虎一點關係也沒有. 麵裡面有鴨血, 豆皮, 豆芽, 蒜苗以及麻辣的湯頭. 愛吃重口味的你一定會吃得很過癮. 肉片有牛豬羊三種選擇, 配料方面也可以全選鴨血, 豆皮, 豆芽或只選部分. 麻辣湯的辣度也可以選歐. 老虎麵一送上, 它的香味直撲鼻, 肉片很嫩, 麵條硬度煮的剛好, 湯頭也很香濃. Han Ji Tiger Noodle Store is located opposite my fav burger store - 1885 Burger near Breeze Centre on Shi Ming Boulvard. Don't worry as none of their dishes are related to tigers. You don't need to report it to WWF. Han Ji is known for its hot and spicy noodles aka tiger noodles. You can choose from beef, pork or lamb slices. Together with dried bean curd, bean sprouts and excellent hot and spicy soup. It definitely warms you up on a cold wintery day. 



清燉牛肉麵 - QQ的麵條, 順口的湯頭, 牛筋牛腩還嫩嫩的, 味道很好! Beef Noodle in Clear Soup - chewy noodle with tender beef. I liked its soup as it was aromatic and tasty. 



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蘇杭點心店位於羅斯福路二段(國語日報大樓旁), 從1967年開業至今, 多元化的麵食及小菜讓它的生意一直都很好. 在週末的中午來到這兒, 才剛過12點, 店已經坐滿了. 記得要先在門口的櫃檯點餐, 蘇杭的阿姨才會告訴你可以坐哪一桌. 直接衝進去找位置坐, 會被罵歐! 蝦仁蒸餃 - 彈牙甜美的蝦肉與豬絞肉, 配上嫩薑, 鮮甜的沒話說. 真是太好的享受摟! You can not miss this place if you are a big fan of Chinese dumpling or noodles. Remember to order at the counter first so the cashier can allocate a table for you. It opened its door since 1967 and has been popular since. Steamed Prawn Dumpling - fresh and sweet prawns mixed with pork mince. I liked it very much with plenty of young ginger! 


小籠包 - 皮薄, 美味肉汁不流失的小籠包是麵Q的最愛, 一個人吃了6個! Xiao Long Bao - thin skin with juicy pork mince marked a very successful Xiao Long Bao.


菜肉蒸餃 - 菜肉的比例剛好, 不會柴, 比鼎泰豐還要好吃. Steamed Green Vegetable and Pork Dumpling - juicy dumplings that tasted better than Din Tai Fung's!


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L'Occitane Cafe 位於東區光復南路巷內, cafe就在L'Occitane store 的後面,  燈光明亮, 舒適的裝潢, 加上高挑的設計, 一進入就有令人放鬆的神奇力量. (或許用餐當天是平日所以食客不多, 餐廳也不吵). 和嫩表姐各點了主餐, 加價$100就變成小套餐, 有前菜, 今日湯和飲品. We visited L'Occitane Cafe on a weekday lunchtime. The atmosphere was so calm and quiet that I almost forgotten that I was in Taipei. We ordered a main each topped with Petit Set at an extra $100 for appertizer, daily soup and drink.


 普羅旺斯小套餐的前菜 - mashed potatoes came with the Petit Set. Fresh herbs with nicely seasoned potatoes


 普羅旺斯小套餐的今日湯 - Daily Soup - Tomato based Vegetable soup 


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游壽司位於師大商圈巷內-麗水街7巷7號, 才走到巷口, 就聞到煮熟的壽司米與米醋的香味, 根本就是, 不見其名, 已聞其味. 中午時段分為12點以及1點入席, 今兒個和年輕大嫂趕在12點入席, 其他已預約的食客也在差不多的時間到達, 不到12點10分, 游壽司已經坐滿了. 套餐的選擇有三種, 若不夠, 可以再加點nigiri(握壽司). 我們點了定食套餐($460), 我吃完一整個下午都無法坐下, 連晚餐都吃不下. 或許對其他的食客來說份量適中, 不過我平時的飯量很小(不過若要吃麵或麵包又可以吃很多哩), 所以把游壽司的定食套餐吃精光, 對我來說是極限. 誰叫它這麼好吃ㄋ? 一坐定位, 擺在我面前的就是印著'游壽司'的蛋, 超級愛吃蛋料理的我, 好開心啊!  Yo Sushi is located near Shida University (NTNU), unrelated to Yo! Sushi in the UK, this Yo Shshi in Taipei offers high quality seafood with a low key attitude. Lunch session is available at 2 slots - 12 noon and 1 pm. You got to make a reservation if you wish to dine in at this lttle yet excellent sushi eatery. 


前菜 - 燉馬鈴薯, 豬肉片與時蔬. 非常清爽, 有淡淡的鯖魚醬油的香味. Entre - Stewed Potatoes, pork slices and seasoned vegetables. 


甜蝦nigiri - 上面些許的蟹黃, 不但不腥, 更把蝦的甜味提了出來. 第一個nigiri就如此美味, 我期待接下來的好味道. Amaebi nigiri - with a dash of crab's roe in the centre, it has extracted the sweetness of the prawn to an upper level. Excellent!


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Oporto Burger 發源於1986, 首間店開在雪梨的Bondi Beach, 主打葡萄牙風味的烤雞及雞肉漢堡, 所以它最有名的漢堡就叫做Bondi Burger. 已經成為澳洲本土的連鎖速食店, 在很多地方都看的到. Bondi Burger 中間有烤雞胸肉, cheese, 生菜, 美乃滋再加上辣勁十足的醬料, 每次吃都很過癮. 可是這回吃, 覺得辣醬的口味跟以前不一樣了, 究竟是我變了還是辣醬變了ㄋ? Oporto Burger opened its first door at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia in 1986, focusing on Portuguese grilled chickens and chicken burgers.  Now open for franchaise, you can locate Oporto Burgers in many places in Australia just like any other fast food chains. Its most famous burger is called Bondi Burger - made with a single fillet of grilled chicken breast, lettuce, cheese, mayo and of course its very own Oporto's chilli sauce. I have been a big fan of it in the first few years after university. 






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位於民權東路巷內的Bravo Grilled Burger 發福廚房創始店, 原本的店面非常小, 搬到斜對面重新開幕後, 我們再次造訪. 之前去過市民大道店, 但是對那兒態度惡劣的服務生們非常失望. 這回到總店, 希望發福廚房的職員訓練會好些, 嗯...有好一點點, 但是仍有待加強. 花生醬牛肉漢堡 - 招牌之一的花生醬牛肉漢堡有厚厚的花生醬, 加上碎培根, 好吃. Bravo Grilled Burger situated in a little alley on Ming Chuan East Road as its original stores. We were very dispoointed with their services at their Shi Ming Boulvard store few months ago. Decided to pay a visit at its ancestor store after renovation. I was hoping to receive better customer services though I was still disappointed. Bravo Burger really needs to pay more attention on their staff training to maintain its ongoing customers. Peanut Butter Beef Burger - Heavy peanut butter with fresh beef patty burger has been one of the popular dishes in Bravo. Nice, yet I still prefer Burger 1885's.


酪梨醬牛肉堡 - 新鮮酪梨擠入些微的檸檬汁, 佐生菜與牛肉片, 是注重健康的好選擇. Guacomole Beef Burger - Fresh avocado with a drizzle of lemon juice, fresh lettuce and beef patty. Great for someone who is more calory and health conscious.




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金唐海鮮酒家位於雪梨的唐人街, 歷史悠久, 屹立不搖已超過20載. 有機會來到雪梨玩的朋友一定要找間道地的港式海鮮餐廳, 吃吃正宗香港廚師料理的海鮮及廣東菜, 一定不會讓你失望. 椒鹽龍蝦 - 好香好濃的椒鹽香, 配上新鮮現抓的龍蝦 (約1.3kg), 龍蝦的肉非常非常的甜美, 椒鹽味不搶龍蝦的風采, 反而和它形成十分協調的一道佳餚. Golden Century Seafood Restaurant situated in Sydney's Chinatown for over 20 years. Pepper Salted Lobster - Freshly caught lobster lightly fried and covered in pepper salted seasoning. The lobster was very sweet and tasty that I highly recommend anyone who is in Chinatown for a meal.  



京都肉排 - 現炸肉排再裹上微酸的甜酸醬, 軟嫩的帶骨里肌肉味道適中, 一口接著一口停不了. Peking Pork Chops - tangy sweet and sour sauce with tender and juicy pork chops. Excellent flavour!



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好上好燒臘海鮮小廚於1997年開業至今, 一開始以茶餐廳以及港式燒臘為主, 這趟回到雪梨發現它也開始賣起海鮮, 菜單的選擇更多樣化, 裝潢也變漂亮了. 滑蛋牛肉炒河 (AUD11.50) -  這是我到港式餐廳必點的一道, 因為我愛吃的河粉, 牛肉以及滑滑軟軟的蛋全都在這兒. 河粉有先下鍋乾炒過, 有鍋氣也有淡淡的醬油香, 再淋上滑蛋牛肉, 味道很優歐! 算是整餐裡味道較清淡的一道. 麵Q也很喜歡吃.  Chatswood BBQ Kitchen opened its door in 1997. It started as a basic BBQ eatery and now extended its menu to include what Hong Kong chefs are good at - seafood. Fried Rice Noodle with Beef and Scrambled Egg - I always judge a Hong Kong style eatery based on this dish given it has all my favourite food in one. It has not disappoint me!


油雞飯 (AUD10) - 份量足夠給兩個人食用的油雞飯, 雞皮很香, 雞肉很嫩, 旁邊的蔥薑醬也很美味. 有港式燒臘店的水準. Soy Sauce Chicken with Rice - tender soy sauce chicken with steamed rice tasted very authentic for being one of the populars in this Hong Kong style BBQ eatery.


椒鹽軟殼蟹 (AUD18.50) - 這道菜不在menu上, 而是我看到旁邊跟後面的食客都點了, 才好奇地加點. 椒鹽味十分濃厚, 但它的外皮似乎過厚, 吃第一塊時覺得很美味, 但是再吃第二塊就覺得過油了. 還是比較愛吃椒鹽鮮魷. 軟殼蟹吸油較強吧. Deep Fried Soft Shell Crabs in Peppered Salt - This dish was ver popular among diners and it was off the menu. Peppered salt had strong aroma that was very appertising. Yet it became too oily after the second attempt. I still opt for deep fried calamari in peppered salt.

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早餐才在Three Blue Ducks 吃得開心又滿足, 到了下午一點多又嘴饞想到Newtown去找找我大學時代最最最~喜歡的cafe - Cafe Cinque. 它的cheesecake還有egg benedicts令我多年以來念念不忘. 可惜, 它竟然不在了! Oh no!!!! 好傷心啊! 我頓時沒有胃口, 不過同行的大碗公, 飯Q及麵帥還是要吃啊, 索性走進Mad Pizza e Bar, 強顏歡笑的我後來發現, 味道真不賴耶. 不得不說, 多元文化的澳洲雪梨, 真的是美食天堂. 來自各國的料理都道地又美味! We ended up in Newton looking for my long time favourite cafe serving great cheesecakes and egg benedicts - Cafe Cinque after our wonderful latte and breakfast at Three Blue Ducks earlier that morning. I was so disappointed when I realised that Cafe Cinque has closed down for business! We ended up at Mad Pizza e Bar also along King Street. Pepperoni Pizza - Sliced pepperoni, roma tomatoes, black olives and basil leaves with anchovies. The pizza crust was very crunchy. Lightly spicy pepperoni together with anchoives and olives was so appertising.   


義大利辣味香腸配上鹹鹹香香的anchovies小魚, 又辣又鹹好過癮. 配上冰涼的啤酒, 大碗公很開心ㄋ.


Rocket salad on the side with drizzles of olive oils and lemon zest was very fresh and aromatic. 


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Three Blue Ducks 可是大有來頭 - 榮獲澳洲最大報社頒發的Best Food Cafe 2012 以及 Good Food Guide One Hat award 2012 兩項大獎. 難得回到雪梨一定要到這兒朝聖. 位於Bronte, 旁邊可見海灘, 還離世界聞名的Bondi Beach只有五分鐘車程. 在週二早上決定來 Three Blue Ducks 看看它到底有多厲害. 哈哈. 抵達時約早上9點, 兩家店面差不多坐滿了, counter旁站了不少等待 coffee take away 的食客. Three Blue Ducks won itself two outstanding awards from The Sydney Morning Herald in 2012 - Best Food Cafe 2012 以及 Good Food Guide One Hat award 2012. Based in Bronte (near Bondi Beach) which is also a stone throw from Bronte Beach. I was so excited to visit this place on a Tuesday sunny morning. It was almost full when we arrived at 9am. Lots of people waiting for their coffee to go as well. Scrambled eggs with black sausages, dill cucumber yoghurt salad and red current jam - 美好的早餐組合有碎蛋, 黑香腸, 小黃瓜優格沙拉及黑醋栗果醬. 尤其黑香腸深受麵Q喜愛. 


dill cucumber yoghurt salad 口味清爽, 好吃 - refreshing and tasty cucumber salad marks a great start for the day.


Scrambled eggs - 感謝後院有機雞園的母雞媽媽, 這scramble eggs真好吃啊! 飯帥非常喜歡. Soft and buttery organic scrambled eggs. Thanks to the hens at the backyard of the Cafe.


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