歐洲之旅第二站到了巴黎Paris. 先前做了research, 決定要到這間法國料理的L'Ami Jean試試. 果然它非常的高水準, 超美味, 能跟Michelin Star restaurants相抗衡. 如果想節省荷包, 午餐的收費親民, 我十分推薦想吃法國菜的朋友. 首先點了cold cut meat, 附上的腌黃瓜, 酸酸脆脆的. 直接吃就好好吃. 與cold cut meat一起吃更是絕配. We arrived Paris via Eurostar after 7 days in the UK. We headed to L'Ami Jean straight after we dropped our luggages off with hotel concierge. I did some research on authentic Parisian cousine restaurants (or French cousine) before our trip and found L'Amei Jean. It won my heart over all the Michelin Star restaurants I have dined in London, Paris or Napa Valley before. Started with cold cut meat with pickles. The cold cut meat was smoky and light. Lovely by its own and with pickles.

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cold cut meat 當然要跟冰涼的啤酒ㄧ起享用瞜! Who could possibly resist a nice cool beer with cold cut meat?


我超愛喝的氣泡水. 到了歐洲我只喝氣泡水, 不碰沒泡泡的礦泉水. My daily companion - sparkling water


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火車抵達德國科隆Cologne約上午10點半, 找到下榻的hotel, 將行李留下後, 先到Rimowa買了一個行李箱(在德國買, 加上退稅, 實在是太划算了!), 接著就找到Cologne出身的啤酒Früh Kölsch附設的啤酒屋用午餐. Früh Kölsch就在Rimowa與Cologne大教堂(Dom)的對面. 用餐區非常大. 大碗公非常開心喝了生啤酒與瓶裝啤酒. 這趟旅行, 學習到的二個Cologne的啤酒文化 1. 啤酒杯的size一律是瘦長的小杯 2. 如果啤酒喝完了, 不想再續杯, 切記要把coaster啤酒杯墊放到喝光的啤酒杯上. 不然服務生一見到空杯即會再送上一杯歐. 到時要拒絕就難了. 因為生啤酒是現倒的.


炸豬排 Schnitzel - 不柴, 好吃不油膩. 薯條不加鹽, 搭配蕃茄醬, 美奶滋還是芥末任君選擇.IMG_9928.JPG

麵Q與飯帥點的水煮德國香腸 - 煙薰味很香歐



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打著台灣人的早午茶的名號- 豐盛號炭烤土司, 位於捷運士林站超級小的巷弄裡, 週六早上八點半不到, 門口已經排了十個人, 內用外帶都是排同一行,  幸好排前面的食客有不少是外帶, 小小的店只有四張桌子, 等了30分鐘, 終於輪到我們, 心裡超級期待. 這回是第一次吃炭烤土司, 也對豐盛號如此的高人氣十分感興趣. 我們決定甜的鹹的都點, 試試它究竟有多厲害. 等了約10分鐘,  炭烤土司終於一一上桌, 招牌 - 豐盛三明治有三片來自墾丁的鮮奶土司, 包了蛋, 蕃茄, cheese, 馬鈴薯泥, 加了美乃滋的高麗菜絲, 薄薄的花生醬, 以及超級軟嫩的里肌肉. 真的非常豐盛好吃, 我們對它都讚不絕口. Full House specialised in Taiwanese stlye grilled sandwich located near Shilin MRT station. We arrived just before 8:30am on a Saturday morning and it was already queued up on the tiny little alley. Sandwich Combo - fillings include egg, tomato, mash, thinly sliced cabbage with mayo, peanut butter and super tender pork loin. No wonder why it is its signature dish here as it was really tasty.  


肉蛋起司 $55 - 由於只有三種配料, 更吃得出炭烤土司的香味. Pork loin, egg and cheese sandwich - the lightly grilled toast was crusty and tasty.


土豆粉 $45 - 老闆自製自磨的花生粉, 吃得到花生的顆粒, 香氣撲鼻, 不會過甜.  Peanut butter grilled sandwich - homemade peanut butter was so aromatic and cruncy. You got to give it a try!


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*Update* 2013年11月初經過Parco Pasta時, 發現店內整修. 重新開幕的日子後會即刻跟大家分享!


Parco Pasta 位於民生東路五段, 接近民生社區, 是間滿足荷包, 大人小朋友都愛吃, 又有好味道的家庭式餐廳. 開了10年的Parco Pasta雖然裝潢很簡單, 但是味道不馬乎, 還有六種麵條可以選擇,  若覺得胃口不錯,  點餐時可以要求加麵, 保證吃得肚子撐. Parco Pasta 的 Pizza也不錯歐. 墨西哥辣椒奶油香腸麵 $165 - 微辣的香腸麵, pasta麵條軟硬適中, 麵條裹上奶油醬, 口感很優歐! Famiily friendly Parco Pasta celebrates its 10th birthday this year. It has been up and running on Min Shen East Road (sec. 5) near the Min Shen Community. You won't be diasppointed with it volume and tasty. Sausage Pasta with Jalapeno Cream Sauce was spicy yet not overpowering the flavour of the dish.


白酒蛤蠣麵 $155 新鮮的蛤蠣與九層塔真是絕配. 十分清爽的味道. Clamp Pasta in White Wine Sauce - fresh clamp with basil is highly recommended if you are a seafood fan.


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七月下旬經過南京東路一段的春水堂, 發現招牌換了, 改掛上粉紅色的'囍壺'招牌, 原來是鼎王集團接手開了 一間與春水堂雷同的複合式茶館, 就連menu的相似度都有80%, 簡直是換湯不換藥. 更節省的是, 原先春水堂的內部裝潢及傢俱由囍壺接手後, 竟然沒有更新.  試過它的食物與飲品後, 覺得鼎王集團抄襲春水堂, 卻沒法做出讓人驚艷的料理, 希望能多多改善. 番茄牛肉麵 $160 - 蕃茄味十足的湯頭, 口味一般, 擺盤可以再精緻些. The well known hot and spicy pot - Tri Pod King extended its empire by opening up 2 new branches of CF Tea in Taipei. Focusing on the same clientele as Chun Shui Tang's, CF Tea tried too hard to imitate Chun Shui Tang without developing better tastes and settings. Beef and Tomato Noodle Soup - weak presentation and the taste was just average


香滷雞腿飯 $280 - 雞腿滷的過久, 肉雖有入味但變的很柴. 搭配的小菜均有加辣, 不過覺得不是很新鮮.  Chicken Thigh with Rice set - over cooked chicken thigh that was too dry 


麻辣米血糕 $70 


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每次到訪台中都是吃當地的小吃, 今次第一次嘗試走高級路線的日本料理餐廳 - 清美Kiyomi. 清美位於巷弄內, 與其他的住宅一起, 二層樓的房子使用日式的裝潢, 前院的日式庭園很有禪意. 今次我們點的是$1,500的套餐, 食材新鮮, 但是味道上總覺得缺少了什麼, 熟食大部份都是水煮過後搭配醬汁, 優秀的食材水煮後甜味去了一半, 醬汁的味道又不夠美味. 希望廚師能多多加強. 生魚片非常新鮮, 切的大小適中, 容易入口. Kiyomi Japanese Restaurant is located among other residential properties on a small alley in Taichung. Two storey propertㄗ with a Zen designed garden felt very welcoming indeed. We tried the $1,500 set, fresh ingredents were used. However, I stlll felt something was missing in its tastes in most of the dishes. No doubt the sashimi was very fresh.


水煮鮑魚與牛油醬 Abalone with buttery sauce


水煮蝦與芒果醬 Steamed Prawn with Mango Sauce


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1994年即開業的越南河粉Pho"88位在台視的巷內, 口味道地, 彷彿回到以前住在雪梨時, 喜歡大老遠到Cabramatta, 到由越南人開的越南餐館吃一碗牛肉河粉與炸春卷. 回到台灣試過不少越南餐廳, 但沒有一家令我有想再次光顧的念頭, 除了這一間 - 越南河粉Pho"88. 越南香茅豬扒飯 $110 - 香嫩的豬扒配上越南常見的broken rice, broken rice有微微的椰奶香味, 很好吃. 簡單來說, broken rice是在磨稻米的時候先被磨碎的米. 屬於次級米的米粒, 較一般常見的台灣米或日本米小了許多. 也沒有泰國香米那麼的長, 但是broken rice總提醒我住在英國近三年刻苦的日子, 都是買broken rice回家煮, 因為比較便宜.  Opening its door since 1994, Pho"88 serves authentic Vietnamese food that is rare to find in Taipei. Pork Chop Rice - tender pork chop marinated with lemongrass together with broken rice was very tasty. Broken rice is a grade of rice consisting of grains broken in the milling process. It costs cheaper but it reminds me of my 3 years of working life in the UK. 


越南咖哩牛肉河粉 $110 - 咖哩的香氣十足, 配上順口的越南河粉, 非常適合愛吃重口味的朋友. 有趣的一點是, 這兒竟加了鴨血! Viet Curry Beef Rice Noodle - strong aroma of curry soup together with tasty Viet rice noodle. Funny thing here was they added duck blood jelly in this dish? Got to be an invention after arriving Taipei.


越南牛肉河粉 $110 - 一道看似簡單卻很難煮的好吃的麵食. 清淡的湯頭, 九層塔與新鮮的檸檬汁, 沒有過重的味精, 吃起來很舒服. Beef Pho - light beef soup with basil and fresh lemon juice. I highly recommend this place if you are also a fan of pho. 


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位於西門町的美觀園, 在峨嵋街上有二間店面(斜對面)賣的是混合台式的日本料理. 已經有超過65年的歷史, 現在也為第二代掌廚, 有十分傳統的老台北的氛圍. 雖然沒有純正日本料理的風味, 口味偏台式, 但是歷史悠久, 價格親民, 所以在西門町屹立不搖. 特製排骨飯 $110 - 用碗公盛裝的台式炸排骨飯有薄薄的麵衣, 炸排骨有一點乾柴, 反而是它的酸菜很合我的胃口. This Taiwanese aka Japanese eatery has been up and running in Ximen Ding since 1946. With a combination of old Taipei and Japanese atmosphere, you may feel like you've turned the clock back to the '80s. Taiwanese Style Pork Chop Rice - the pork chop's batter was light. However, I found it bit dry. I heart the Taiwanese pickles better. 


花壽司 - 包肉鬆的壽司, 台味十足 Hana Sushi - you can find pork floss in the roll - very Taiwanese indeed


鍋燒烏龍麵 $110 - 小小一鍋但種類豐富, 烏龍麵的口感QQ的, 沒有粉粉軟軟的口感. Nabeyaki Udon - small yet wide selection of ingredients. 


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萬華仙草冰位於萬華的後火車站, 雖沒有華麗的裝潢, 但是坐在乾淨的店面享用也不會覺得不舒服.  夏天賣冷品 - 仙草冰, 仙草茶, 仙草奶凍, 到了冬天加賣燒仙草. 堅持純正仙草的清爽好味道. 在炎炎夏日享用非常開心. 甜度可以調整, 真是貼心. Grass jelly got to be one of best Chinese summery desserts. This grass jelly specialist located at the back of Wan Hua Train Station serving high quality grass jelly desserts for over 40 years. Clean shop front is good for dine in and of course take away. 


仙草冰加奶 $35 Grass Jelly Ice with Milk 


仙草冰 $30 Grass Jelly Ice


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在個傾盆大雨的週六傍晚, 參加完誠品116內的溜冰生日趴後, 無意間經過了昆明街上的牛店, 本想就試試, 沒想到意外的好吃. 真要感謝外面的那場大雨! 牛店的店面不大, 乾淨的廚房就設置在一進門的位置, 二位年輕的廚師不疾不徐的煮著一碗碗的麵, 假日只供應粗麵, 麵條燙後還用冷水沖, 好保留它的嚼勁, 真用心. 半筋半肉椒麻伴麵$220  - 自家製的椒麻醬是此麵的highlight, 大碗公點的中辣吃得他的嘴皮轉紅, 但是仍然稱讚它的美味. Taiwanese Beef Noodle is almost at every corner of Taiwan. However, not every place is up to its standard. We accidentally dined into this 'Beef Shop' located near Ximen MRT station and sure it has not disappointed our expectation. The noodle was chewy and the soup was strong in aroma with no MSG! What a rare find in Taiwan! Spicy Beef Tendon and Beef Noodle - homemade chilly paste was the icon of this dish. Though it was spicy but you can also request the minor version. 


牛筋麵 $160 / !190 - 軟度適中的牛筋還帶有Q勁, 非常好吃, 感覺吃了好多膠原蛋白! 清燉的湯頭很清爽, 喝了不會過鹹. Beef Tendon Noodle - jelly alike been tendon is full of collagen. What a beauty enhanced dish!


自家製, 由牛骨髓製作的辣油, 直接吃就好吃摟! The homemade chilli oil came with my beef tendon noodle.


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