位於西門町的美觀園, 在峨嵋街上有二間店面(斜對面)賣的是混合台式的日本料理. 已經有超過65年的歷史, 現在也為第二代掌廚, 有十分傳統的老台北的氛圍. 雖然沒有純正日本料理的風味, 口味偏台式, 但是歷史悠久, 價格親民, 所以在西門町屹立不搖. 特製排骨飯 $110 - 用碗公盛裝的台式炸排骨飯有薄薄的麵衣, 炸排骨有一點乾柴, 反而是它的酸菜很合我的胃口. This Taiwanese aka Japanese eatery has been up and running in Ximen Ding since 1946. With a combination of old Taipei and Japanese atmosphere, you may feel like you've turned the clock back to the '80s. Taiwanese Style Pork Chop Rice - the pork chop's batter was light. However, I found it bit dry. I heart the Taiwanese pickles better.
花壽司 - 包肉鬆的壽司, 台味十足 Hana Sushi - you can find pork floss in the roll - very Taiwanese indeed
鍋燒烏龍麵 $110 - 小小一鍋但種類豐富, 烏龍麵的口感QQ的, 沒有粉粉軟軟的口感. Nabeyaki Udon - small yet wide selection of ingredients.
綜合天丼 $170 - 味道口感均一般的什錦天婦羅 Ten Don - nothing worth highlighting
味道偏甜的miso soup. Miso soup on the sweet side
台北市峨嵋街47號 及 36號
02 23310377
Open 7 days from 11:00 - 21:00