
1994年即開業的越南河粉Pho"88位在台視的巷內, 口味道地, 彷彿回到以前住在雪梨時, 喜歡大老遠到Cabramatta, 到由越南人開的越南餐館吃一碗牛肉河粉與炸春卷. 回到台灣試過不少越南餐廳, 但沒有一家令我有想再次光顧的念頭, 除了這一間 - 越南河粉Pho"88. 越南香茅豬扒飯 $110 - 香嫩的豬扒配上越南常見的broken rice, broken rice有微微的椰奶香味, 很好吃. 簡單來說, broken rice是在磨稻米的時候先被磨碎的米. 屬於次級米的米粒, 較一般常見的台灣米或日本米小了許多. 也沒有泰國香米那麼的長, 但是broken rice總提醒我住在英國近三年刻苦的日子, 都是買broken rice回家煮, 因為比較便宜.  Opening its door since 1994, Pho"88 serves authentic Vietnamese food that is rare to find in Taipei. Pork Chop Rice - tender pork chop marinated with lemongrass together with broken rice was very tasty. Broken rice is a grade of rice consisting of grains broken in the milling process. It costs cheaper but it reminds me of my 3 years of working life in the UK. 


越南咖哩牛肉河粉 $110 - 咖哩的香氣十足, 配上順口的越南河粉, 非常適合愛吃重口味的朋友. 有趣的一點是, 這兒竟加了鴨血! Viet Curry Beef Rice Noodle - strong aroma of curry soup together with tasty Viet rice noodle. Funny thing here was they added duck blood jelly in this dish? Got to be an invention after arriving Taipei.


越南牛肉河粉 $110 - 一道看似簡單卻很難煮的好吃的麵食. 清淡的湯頭, 九層塔與新鮮的檸檬汁, 沒有過重的味精, 吃起來很舒服. Beef Pho - light beef soup with basil and fresh lemon juice. I highly recommend this place if you are also a fan of pho. 





台北市八德路3段12巷51弄1號 (ㄧ經過台視, 第一個巷子轉入即可)

02 25782168

11:30 - 14:00 / 17:00 - 21:30


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