靠近捷運中山站, 南京東路一段的大倉久和大飯店內的五樓 - 山里日本料理, 擁有和食、握壽司、天婦羅與鐵板燒用餐區. 用餐當天我們選擇和食的用餐區, 強烈的日式風格與挑高的裝潢讓我們吃得、看得都賞心悅目. 我們點了天婦羅套餐($1,500)以及Shabu Shabu套餐($1,280每位)(二人起). 擺盤精緻又美觀, 份量也剛剛好. Okura Hotel Taipei is located near Zhongshan MRT station. We visited Yamazato Japanese Restaurant on the 5th floor. Yamazato divided into 4 sections - Washoku, Nigiri Bar, Tempura Bar and Teppanyaki. We dined in at the Washoku section on a quiet weekend dinner service. We ordered Tempura Set and Shabu Shabu Set (for 2 servings). Nice in presentation and taste. The portion was just right. 

每一位都有的小菜 Appertizer for every diner


天婦羅套餐 - 多樣化的前菜, 炸櫻花蝦是我的首選 Tempura Set - entree IMG_8825



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台北喜來登大飯店內有許多來自不同國家的餐廳, 這回來到Sukhothai, 餐點幾乎樣樣都道地, 好吃又下飯. 裝潢與佈置也很有泰國風, 是一間值得推薦的泰國餐廳. 青木瓜沙拉 - 現點現做的沙拉非常的酸, 吃時要有心理準備歐! Sheraton Grand Taipei offers various cusines in one spot. Sukhothai serves authentic Thai dishes with strong Thai setting and ambience. Papaya Salad - freshly made salad was very sour....be prepared.


月亮蝦餅 - 厚厚的新鮮蝦仁與甜辣味的醬十分搭. 冷了也好吃. 順帶一提, 月亮蝦餅是由中國人發明而發揚光大, 在泰國不會出現. 所以請不要在泰國旅遊時尋找這道菜歐. Fried Prawn Cake - originated by Chinese (as you can not locate this dish in Thailand), deep fried fresh and thick prawn patty was very sweet and crispy. 


紅咖喱 - 幾乎每桌都點的招牌菜, 使用蒸熟的南瓜當容器, 一起吃也好吃. Red Curry - one of the popular dishes as almost every table ordered one. Steamed pumpkin is also edible. Surprisingly it went well with red curry.


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來自美國LA的CYCLO洛城牛肉粉專賣越南牛肉粉,而海外第一家授權正式在台北進駐,牛肉粉的湯頭正統, 肉類新鮮美味. 麵條也道地, Q彈. 用餐空間走簡單輕鬆的美式風格. 洛城經典三樣 ($230) 7種不同的牛肉種類供選擇, 包含三種肉片, 牛肉丸, 牛筋, 牛百葉以及牛腩. CYCLO Noodles & Rice originated from LA and opens its first branch outside the US in Taipei. Authentic beef pho with tasty soup, beef and noodle. I highly recommend this comfy and laid back eatery.



越式生春捲 ($65) - 新鮮的蔬菜, 午餐肉與蝦子, 沾上帶有花生口味的沾醬, 夏日的好良伴. Rock & Roll - Viet Style - fresh vege, lunchham and prawn together with peanut butter flavoured dipping sauce - very refreshing!



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純自家製的ice cream 與 sorbet (不加奶的水果口味冰淇淋) 在民生社區出現摟. 2013年3月份開幕的Ice-On 是由兩位愛好冰淇淋的大男生合力誕生的小店. 除了ice cream 還有賣smoothies and milkshake. 店雖小但是店內的口味獨特, 創新又美味 (每球約$60 - $75不等). 超級愛吃綠茶冰淇淋的我, 一吃就愛上了! 它有和Hagen Daz一樣的茶葉香,  但是自家製的ice cream新鮮又香濃, 單價一球$60, 相對親民許多. 值得一提的還有Ice-On的cones也是自家製的歐! 香香脆脆, 不會太甜. 帶我們來的兒時玩伴好姐妹點的芒果與綠茶. 超好吃! Ice-On is located near the roundabout in Mingshen Community. All ice cream and sorbet are made in-house. Nature and healthy ingredents are used at reasonable price ($60 to $75 per scoop depends on the flavour). The cones are also made in-house. Smoothies and milkshake are also available here. I am a big fan of green tea ice cream - Ice-On's is as nice as Hagen Daz's. Photo below is Mango and Green Tea Ice Cream. Yum~


我點的黑芝麻與綠茶, 黑芝麻好香好純, 超好吃. 還令我回憶起了大學時代在澳洲雪梨唐人街邊的 Passionflower 冰店 - 真的是時光飛逝, 歲月如梭啊!  Black Sesame and Green Tea - rich in flavour with strong aroma.


大碗公點的dark chocolate 與黑芝麻 - 微苦的dark chocolate, 很香, 不膩. 讚! Dark Chocolate and Black Sesame - the dark chocolate was bitter yet smooth and tasty. 


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鳳臨位於木柵山區, 經過政治大學後, 開上山約10分鐘即達. 腹地很大, 用餐區被綠意盎然的山及花草包圍, 環境相當不錯. 無菜單的創意美食($1,100一位), 跟上回介紹的食養山房有異曲同工之妙. 前菜 - 涼拌小菜佐梅子汁, 山藥麵線與魚子醬, 髮菜絲 - 樣樣都清爽, 順口. 我最喜歡山藥麵線. Fong Lin is surronded by hills and trees near National Chengchi University in Muzha. Similar to Shi-Yang, Fong Lin charges $1,100 per head with no menu. Tthe ambience has strong 'Zen' and Chinese deco. Entree - vege in plum juice, Chinese yam with caviar and seaweed salad. 


香芋濃湯 - 撒上松子, 增添香氣. 不過我還是比較愛吃甜的芋頭. Taro thick soup - topped with pine nuts added extra aroma. However, I still prfer taro cooked as sweets not savory.


沙拉與梅子醬 Salad with Plum Dressing


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選在平日上午11點和珍珠兔到科教館旁邊的伽立略Galilei Family Brunch用餐, 舒適的用餐環境馬上吸引我們, 一到二樓看到了乾淨的兒童遊戲區, 兩人不禁發出讚嘆聲, 覺得台灣應該要有多一些這種類型的餐廳. 用餐後對它的餐點很滿意, 有相見恨晚的感覺呢. 連平日時段餐廳的生意都很好. 80%都是媽媽們帶著小朋友來用餐. 伽立略經典起司帕尼尼 ($310) - 中間夾了蕃茄, 德國燻香腸, 美乃滋和起司, 燻香腸的香味搭上甜甜鹹鹹的醬汁, 非常美味. 新鮮的沙拉與蔓越莓沙拉醬的組合十分特別. Galilei Family Brunch is located next to National Taiwan Science Education Centre (NTSEC) in Shilin, Taipei. The indoor children's play area is clean and bright. The food here won't disappoint you either. Garlilei Cheese Panini - smoked sausage, tomato, mayo and cheese. I liked its smoky flavour with sweet and salty sauce. Cranberry salad dressing was very interesting too.


Brunch 還附上鮮榨西瓜汁和水果歐. Fresh watermelon juice and fruit was part of brunch menu


伽立略經典漢堡 ($280) - 厚厚的牛肉非常多汁, 卻不會柴, 一邊吃一邊滴油, 再搭配新鮮的生菜與蕃茄, 營養均衡又健康. 香脆的薯條, 跟Burger 1885的一樣好吃! Garlilei Classic Burger - good quality beef burger with juicy beef patty. Together with lettuce, tomato and mustard, what a nutritious combination. Crunchy chips - as good as Burger 1885's.  http://pingpengpong.pixnet.net/blog/post/62679349/


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1Bite2Go是國賓大飯店旗下的美式餐廳. 寬敞的店面, 挑高的樓層以及大螢幕, 去之前對它很期待, 不過吃完和大碗公都一致覺得 - 去過就好! 用餐當天是週末晚餐, 大約只有三成滿. 服務生約有五或六位. 不過忙著聊天, 需要幫忙卻沒有眼神的交集, 連隔壁桌用餐的大哥都看到我在揮手了, 服務生們仍自顧自的開心聊天. 除了裝潢吸引人, 服務跟餐點都有待加強. 爐烤牛肉三明治沾上gravy, 香香的好吃. 另外2道主食只是一般, 薯條也太乾了. 1Bite2Go is located on Zhongzheng Road in Shilin. The cafe is spacious with high ceiling and big TV screen. Apart from its deco, I was diasppointed with its service and food. The deli was only 30% full on a Saturday dinner service with 5 to 6 waiters/waitress. Yet, they were busy chatting and ignoring diners' request. Food wise, I would only recommend Roast Beef French Dip. Chips were too dry and the other 2 mains were just normal. 爐烤牛肉三明治 ($360) Roast Beef French Dip


家製牛肉三明治 ($400) Classic Reuben Sandwich 


炭烤牛肉起士漢堡 ($450) Char Grilled Cheeseburger


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Fika Fika Cafe 位於伊通公園旁邊, 離南京松江站不遠, 店內以白色為裝潢的主色系, 寬敞的空間放了有高有矮的桌椅. 非常適合到這兒聊天, 喝下午茶, 放空, 打發時間. 大大的落地窗, 從店內往外看即是伊通公園, 非常有綠意. 總之是一間很舒服的咖啡店. 平日從上午8點到晚上9點, 假日則是上午10點到晚上9點營業, 非常適合早鳥的我. 當天9點半一早就和大學好友相見, 真開心. Fika Fika Cafe is located in a small alley near Songjiang Nanjing MRT Station. Opposite to Yi Tong Park, you can see greenery from every corner of the cafe. Opens from 8am on weekdays and 10am on weekends, Fika Fika cafe is a great place for an earlybird like me. Latte -


蜜桃冰茶以及設計可愛的名片 Peach Ice Tea




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跟表妹相約至台北老爺大酒店的中山日本料理吃日式下午茶, 三層的銀灰色盒子每一層都擺得精緻. 好可愛的兔子茶壺 - 煎茶, 玄米茶或培茶三選一. Nakayama Japanese Restaurant is located at Hotel Royal Taipei near Zhong Shan MRT Station. Differ from other hotel's afternoon tea, Nakayama offers afternoon tea set, instead of all you can eat buffet. It comes with a bento box with 3 tiers. Nice presentation and good atmosphere. You can choose your own Japanese tea along with the cute little rabbit tea pot below.

第一層 - 豐富的前菜, 小巧精緻. 我喜歡它的鮮魚味噌燒及松板豚牛蒡卷. First tier - 10 varieties of entree to nibble. I heart their miso fish and pork roll.


第二層 - 壽司, 醋飯的味道很重, 個人較喜歡花壽司 Second tier - strong vinegar taste of rice. I prefer the maxi sushi rolls.


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玉喜飯店位於忠孝東路4段黃金地帶, 跟忠孝微風同一邊, 因為餐廳在樓上, 經過非常多次都不敢去嘗試, 吃了之後才知道玉喜的港式飲茶點心樣樣新鮮好吃, 台菜道地, 66道菜, 任選5樣$420, 價格親民. 鮮蝦腸粉 - 新鮮蝦子與蒸的剛剛好的腸粉皮, 很優的點心. Yu Shi Restaurant is loacted at the prime location of Zhong Xiao East Road. Serving Cantonese dim sum and Taiwanese local dishes. 66 types of dishes for your selection - 5 dishes at $420. Quality food and reasonably priced menu won't disappointed you. Highly recommend if you are a fan of Chinese food. Steam Rice Rolls with Prawns - fresh prawns and nicely steamed rice roll. The rice rolls are not over-steamed which I do encounter at some other dim sim places.  


蝦餃 Steamed Prawn Dumpling - fresh!


鮮蝦腐皮捲 Deep Fried Bean Curd with Prawns - crispy and tasty


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