紫藤廬是一間由日式老屋改建的茗茶屋. 可以坐在和式tatami房, 或是小圓桌用餐, 品茗. 適合一個人沈思, 坐在角落看本好書, 享用好茶. 也適合包下一間tatami室跟朋友家人聚餐. 這回正逢午餐時間, 所以我們試了它的簡餐. 和青田76相比, 同樣走日式和風的路線, 也同樣在師大附近, 大碗公跟我都覺得紫藤廬的餐點比青田76的優. 紅酒燉牛肉 ($330) - 牛肉帶點牛筋, 吃起來彈牙卻不會柴, 紅酒的味道十分入味. 不過大碗公覺得太鹹了. 簡餐附上魚丸湯, 2道涼拌小菜 (都滿好吃的歐) 以及紅豆紫米甜湯. Wistaria Tea House is located near Shida University offering traditional Chinese Tea ceremory and set meals. All set meal comes with fish ball soup, two side dishes and red bean soup. Beef Stewed with Red Wine - beef was tender and soft. Highly recommended. 



柳松菇炒松阪豬 ($330) - 新鮮的茶樹菇與松阪豬的組合清淡, 吃起沒有負擔. Tea Plant Mushroom with Stired Fried Pork 



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和年輕表姐相約來到日光大道健康廚坊新生店吃brunch, 店內除了餐點還有很多書讓食客看, 一旁的小書店透過窗外灑進的陽光讓人忍不住多待一會兒. 在前晚大吃一頓後, 吃不下brunch, 只有喝茶, 看年輕表姐享用. 樂活早餐A餐 ($160) - 每日精選麵包, 手工抹醬, 蔬果杯及一杯飲品. 年輕表姐說兩種麵包都好好吃. 黑芝麻麵包的香氣十足, 而白麵包吃起來很有彈性與嚼勁. Sonnentor Cafe offers relaxing atmosphere as soon as you step into the door. Wide selection of books available for you to enjoy. There is also a small book store attached to the cafe. Daily breakfast include bread, dipping sauce, salad and choice of drink. The bread was tasty and chewy.


抹茶豆漿 - 年輕表姐形容它的抹茶味道淡, 被香濃的豆漿味蓋過. Green Tea Soy Milk - Can not really taste green tea yet the froth of soy milk made this drink very aromatic. 


陽光小鎮 - 帶有檸檬香氣的有機花草茶, 附贈自製的小餅乾. Herbal tea 


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位於捷運市政府站旁的阪急百貨地下二樓有很多的日本料理可供選擇. 高人氣的山田製麵所排隊排得瘋狂, 我們決定到來自九州, 博多的天婦羅專門店 - 山海. 其實它先在東區開了一家. 東區的那間賣的餐點不只是天婦羅,  還有其他的定食可選. 共同之處就是那吃到飽的微辣明太子. 我是個明太子迷, 仍然記得我在札幌的Sapporo Keio Plaza Hotel早餐享受美味的明太子, 回到台灣發現山海在阪急開了分店, 想著明太子就不自覺的走進去了. 除了明太子, 高菜(takana)(辣酸菜) 也是吃到飽. 不過提醒大家, 要點超過$250的餐點才可以明太子, 高菜吃到飽歐. Tempura store Yamami opened its second eatery in Hankyu Department Store Taipei right next to Taipei City Hall Metro Station. What attracted me the most is their all you can eat Mentaigo. With minimum order of $250 per head, you can enjoy all you can eat mentaigo and takana. 


海之幸定食 ($370) - 在等待炸物的同時, 配角們先上桌. While awaiting for my tempura, sides arrived first.


 分批上桌的現炸炸物. 我最愛吃的就屬干貝了. 蝦子炸得有點硬, 其他的炸物都在標準之中. Among all, scallop tempura got to be my favourite. Tempura prawn was overcooked and bit dried. The rest was quite normal. 


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這回邀大碗公來游壽司吃午餐, 新鮮的美味仍然沒令人失望. 今次也是點綜合套餐. 有前菜, 4貫nigiri, 散壽司以及味噌湯. 星鰻 -  烤的軟嫩的星鰻塗了一些醬汁, 再搭配現磨的芥末, 香味撲鼻, 非常美味! My second lunchtime visit to Yo Sushi has again won its trophy. Eel nigiri - soft and tender eel topped with soy sauce and a dash of fresh wasabi. My favourite nigiri of the day.


竹莢魚 - 淡淡的醬油與青蔥, 白芝麻. 吃起來完全沒有白身魚的腥味. Mackerel in petit serving was refreshing.


炙燒過的三文魚 - 一入口魚肉就融化在口中了. 油膩適中, 香氣十足, 非常好吃. Salmon nigiri - salmon was lightly grilled by kitchen torch that melted in my mouth straight away. 


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位於國立台灣博物館, 土銀展示館二樓的石尚咖啡輕食館提供簡餐以及飲品. 選擇不算多. 吸引人的不是它的食物, 而是能夠和恐龍一同用餐的噱頭, 必定能讓小朋友開心興奮一會兒. 還有戶外用餐區, 天氣晴朗時坐在那兒用餐非常享受歐! 手盜龍燻雞 - 其實就是燻雞三明治, 不過這兒的餐點命名都和恐龍有關. 沙拉新鮮, 橄欖油與紅酒醋醬的味道很香. National Taiwan Museum is located near 228 Memorial Park. You may travel by Metro-Taipei and alight at the National Taiwan University Hospital Stop. The cafe is on the second floor of Taiwan Land Bank Exhibition Hall as part of National Taiwan Museum. The cafe offers limited selection of light meals including sandwich, pasta and risotto. What attracts people is not their food yet their setting right in the middle of the museum. Young children got to be amazed by dining with a 3-storey high dinosaur right if front of them. Outdoor dining area is also available which is excellent for a sunny warm day. Smoked Chicken sandwich with salad. I liked their olive oil and vinegarette dressing.


古海洋燉飯 - 微波加熱的調理包食品, 味道還算ok. Seafood Risotto - premade food straight from the microwave.


跟恐龍一起吃午餐 - 麵Q跟飯帥開心的哩!


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飯帥三歲摟! 在他生日當天我們與鐵牛嫂到北投賞櫻花, 再到麗禧酒店喝下午茶, 身心靈大放鬆, 十分開心.  下午茶包含一杯飲品以及三層的點心. 最上層是新鮮的水果. Grand View Resort is located in Beitou in Taipei city with easy access by Metro. Shuttle bus is available between Beitou metro station and Grand View Resort. We visited Beitou in early Spring for its cherry blossom and relaxing afternoon tea at Grand View Resort. The afternoon tea set comes with choice of drinks and three tiers of food. Top tier comes with fresh fruit. 


甜的點心 - 使用大量的粉紅色, 正好和當令的櫻花盛開與草莓季相輝映. Scone 跟布丁都好吃. Pastries - I liked the pudding, shortcake and scone. Plenty of pink colour was presented to reflect the current season - cherry blossoming.


鹹的點心 - quiche 有些過鹹; 中間的焗烤蕃茄與杏鮑菇太油; 沙拉口感新鮮, 義大利油醋的沙拉醬有加分的作用. Savory pastries - quiche was bit dry, the cheesy tomato with mushroom was on the oily side. Salad was fresh with light vinegratte dressing.  


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香港鑫華茶餐廳位於師大商圈的金華街, 口味地道加上經濟實惠, 多樣化的菜單, 老少咸宜. 若是週末來, 請有心理準備要等上一陣子, 生意非常好歐. 當日的例湯 - 西洋菜與排骨燉了很久, 湯的香氣十足, 不加味精, 記得要先喝湯再吃主食, 才是香港style歐! Hong Kong Tea House is located near Shida University (NTNU). No fency deco, just authenic dishes may make you feel like you are in Hong Kong. Daily soup - Watercress with pork bones. Sweet and aromatic soup was simply yet down to earth.


港式炒麵 ($130) - 幾乎每桌都點. 麵條炸的香香酥酥脆脆的. 上面淋上勾芡的海鮮及肉片, 港味十足, 難怪是招牌菜. Hong Kong Style Deep Fried Noodle - a very popular dish. Crispy deep fried noodle with seafood, meat and green vegetables.   


滑蛋牛肉飯 ($100) - 我每到茶餐廳一定要點的滑蛋系列, 因為我太愛吃蛋了啦! 它沒有讓我失望, 好好吃歐. 旁邊附上滷豆皮, 增添了點台灣味兒. Beef and Egg over Rice - In order to determine a HK tea house's authenticity, I tend to order this dish wherever I visit. It has not disappoint me at all.   IMG_7640  


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肉圓是我最愛吃的台灣小吃, 尤其偏好外皮炸得酥酥的肉圓, 搭配好吃的醬汁, 與軟嫩的豬肉, 才寫到這兒就流口水了! 彰化的北門口肉圓一直在我的美食嘗鮮名單上, 這回終於有機會到彰化拜訪年輕大嫂的娘家, 順道到北門口肉圓一遊, 上午11點不到, 已經坐滿滿了, 連外帶的隊伍也非常的長. 耐心等候20分鐘後, 我慕名而來的北門口肉圓終於上桌了. 這兒的肉圓有分大小兩種, 差別就是大的肉圓有加乾的干貝絲, 吃起來有淡淡的海味, 其他的內容物都一模一樣, 有軟嫩的豬肉條, 細細的竹筍, 香菇, 四分之一顆的水煮蛋, 還有豪邁的醬汁. 北門口肉圓果然名不虛傳, 真的好好吃啊! 若不是我們趕著要和年輕大嫂一家吃美味午餐, 我一定要追加肉圓. 沒關係, 下次再來吃! Taiwanese meatballs got to be my favourite Taiwanese local delicacy. For those who are not familar with Taiwanese meatballs - sliced pork loin with bamboo shoots are a must, covered by chewy and semi-clear skin and dressing. Two versions can be found - steamed or deep fried. I personally heart the deep fried version. 

 小香菇肉圓 ($35) - Mushroom meatball (small)


大干貝肉圓 ($70) Scallop Meatball (Large)



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台中市政府附近的Amici有好吃的義大利麵. 麵條煮的適中, 不會過軟. 餐廳的氣氛不錯 - 乾淨, 明亮, 還有一整片及腰的窗子面對大容東街上的小河. 內外氛圍都優. 雞肉凱薩沙拉 - 在水準之上的沙拉, 新鮮可口. Amici is located near Taichung City Hall. They serve decent pasta and entrees.  However, I would not recommend their pizza as the dough tasted more like crackers than pizza. Chicken Caesar Salad - Fresh salad with tasty dressing. Would love to have extra cheese on the top.


辣味鮮蝦墨魚麵 - 已經去殼的蝦子吃起來十分方便, 加上微辣的醬汁, 很對味歐! Squid Ink Spaghetti with Prawns in Spicy Tomato Sauce - deshelled prawns with lightly spicy sauce marked a good combination.


白酒蛤蠣義大利麵 - 麵Q的最愛, 他一個人就把它吃光光! Spaghetti with Clams in White Wine Sauce - one of the top 10 dishes in Amici. The serving size was generous with plenty of clams.


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My Coffee位於遼寧夜市附近的巷子內, 南京東路捷運站以及微風廣場的中間, 是一間很小但有個性的小咖啡館. 白天有賣brunch和商業午餐, 晚上可去那兒小酌. 這回和Iron Woman II相約吃午餐, 本打算姑且一試, 結果它的餐點讓我驚艷! Tuna Bagel $75 - Iron Woman II跟我ㄧ樣是bagel愛好者, 全天供應的tuna bagel看起來健康滿分. 好看又好吃. My Coffee is a cosy cafe loacted between Nan Jin East Road MRT Station and Breeze Centre on a small alley around Liao Ning Night Market. My Coffee serves brunch and business lunch during daytime. You can also come here for a drink or two after dark. Tuna Bagel is available all day. Healthy and freshness means all!


炸雞塊日式咖哩飯 $150 - 現炸, 鮮嫩多汁的去骨炸雞腿肉, 非常好吃. 咖哩醬上面撒上七味粉, 很有日式風味. 中午的menu隨季節性而更改, 每次來都有不一樣的驚喜. Chicken Karaage with Jap Style Curry Rice - prepared on the spot chicken karaage were tender and juicy. A sprinkle of shichibi powder (Jap chili powder) on the curry rice made me felt like I was dining in Japan. Business lunch menu varies by days. Each visit gives you different surprises.


加價$25就有好喝的Daily Soup - 今天的是蔬菜濃湯, 濃濃的奶油香氣與新鮮蔬菜製成的濃湯, 我還想喝第二碗! With additional $25, you can enjoy daily soup. We had Vege Creme Soup - it was rich, creamy and tasty! I almost order a second serve.


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