台中市政府附近的Amici有好吃的義大利麵. 麵條煮的適中, 不會過軟. 餐廳的氣氛不錯 - 乾淨, 明亮, 還有一整片及腰的窗子面對大容東街上的小河. 內外氛圍都優. 雞肉凱薩沙拉 - 在水準之上的沙拉, 新鮮可口. Amici is located near Taichung City Hall. They serve decent pasta and entrees. However, I would not recommend their pizza as the dough tasted more like crackers than pizza. Chicken Caesar Salad - Fresh salad with tasty dressing. Would love to have extra cheese on the top.
辣味鮮蝦墨魚麵 - 已經去殼的蝦子吃起來十分方便, 加上微辣的醬汁, 很對味歐! Squid Ink Spaghetti with Prawns in Spicy Tomato Sauce - deshelled prawns with lightly spicy sauce marked a good combination.
白酒蛤蠣義大利麵 - 麵Q的最愛, 他一個人就把它吃光光! Spaghetti with Clams in White Wine Sauce - one of the top 10 dishes in Amici. The serving size was generous with plenty of clams.
焗烤奶油海鮮飯 - 海鮮飯內有蝦, 蛤蠣, 花枝. 奶油醬的香味撲鼻, 我跟飯帥都很喜歡吃. 若真要挑剔, 就是它沒有使用義大利米risotto罷. Baked Cheese Seafood Rice in Cream Sauce - tasty baked rice with fresh seafood including prawns, clams and squids. Pity they did not use risotto for the dish. However, the dish was appertising enough.
紅酒牛肉義大利麵 - 燉煮非常入味的紅酒牛肉, 嫩嫩的口感, 真好吃. Spaghetti with Beef Stew in Red Wine Sauce - I liked the tender and soft beef stew very much.
現烤鮮味雞塊 - 帶骨的雞肉外皮烤的脆脆的, 內部卻十分軟嫩多汁, 醬汁微甜, 大人小孩都愛吃. Amici Style Baked Chicken - crispy skin on the outside yet soft and juicy inside. Very nice!
炸洋蔥圈 - 麵Q和飯帥都喜愛的一道, 我不愛吃洋蔥, 所以沒有試. 不過大碗公說‘那是冷凍食品, 不是新鮮洋蔥炸出來的'. Onion Rings - frozen onion rings that you can get from any supermarkets.
Salami Pizza - 餅皮不像pizza般的有嚼勁, 咬起來比較像蘇打餅乾, 上面的topping被台灣化了. 變成一道普通的pizza. 我還是推薦pasta. Salami - the dough tasted like cracker not proper pizza dough. The topping was not very authentic either. I would prefer any of the above pasta dishes over this salami pizza.
來自義大利的啤酒 - 有趣的是, 服務生竟然問我們' 玻璃杯裡要放冰塊嗎?' 小姐啊~小姐~啤酒杯內不該加冰塊, 如果把啤酒杯冰一下會比較優歐! Italian beer - interesting enough that the waitress asked us if we wanted ice cubes in the beer glasses? Well, you are not suppose to drink beer with ice cubes!
Amici 愛蜜奇義大利坊 (竹南, 竹北 & 苗栗 都有店歐)