位於國立台灣博物館, 土銀展示館二樓的石尚咖啡輕食館提供簡餐以及飲品. 選擇不算多. 吸引人的不是它的食物, 而是能夠和恐龍一同用餐的噱頭, 必定能讓小朋友開心興奮一會兒. 還有戶外用餐區, 天氣晴朗時坐在那兒用餐非常享受歐! 手盜龍燻雞 - 其實就是燻雞三明治, 不過這兒的餐點命名都和恐龍有關. 沙拉新鮮, 橄欖油與紅酒醋醬的味道很香. National Taiwan Museum is located near 228 Memorial Park. You may travel by Metro-Taipei and alight at the National Taiwan University Hospital Stop. The cafe is on the second floor of Taiwan Land Bank Exhibition Hall as part of National Taiwan Museum. The cafe offers limited selection of light meals including sandwich, pasta and risotto. What attracts people is not their food yet their setting right in the middle of the museum. Young children got to be amazed by dining with a 3-storey high dinosaur right if front of them. Outdoor dining area is also available which is excellent for a sunny warm day. Smoked Chicken sandwich with salad. I liked their olive oil and vinegarette dressing.
古海洋燉飯 - 微波加熱的調理包食品, 味道還算ok. Seafood Risotto - premade food straight from the microwave.
跟恐龍一起吃午餐 - 麵Q跟飯帥開心的哩!
石尚咖啡輕食館 - 國立台灣博物館, 土銀展示館內 National Taiwan Museum, Taiwan Land Bank Exhibition Hall
02-23825665 轉3
09:30 - 18:00 Closed every Mondays