介於捷運中山站與雙連站的Rooster Cafe & Vintage, 是一間小巧, 溫馨的cafe. 店內的擺設與桌椅都是有歷史的老物件, 沒有長得一樣的桌或椅子, 彷彿一入內即回到了舊時代, 步調也不經意的慢了下來. 在一週末早晨來到Rooster Cafe, 溫暖的陽光照進來, 讓人有放鬆的感覺. 菜單的名字也非常有趣, 看了會心一笑. 慢食與新鮮的食材, 是我對Rooster Cafe的註解. Rooster Cafe & Vintage is located between Zhongshan and Shuanglian MRT Stations. Open from 8am, Rooster Cafe is a great place to eat, chill out or just read a good book. It reminds me of the old time as soon as I stepped into the cafe with its vintage deco. The dishes here are simple yet fresh and homely.   


男子漢的早餐 $220 - 豐盛的男子漢的早餐, protein, fiber & carbs全都照顧到了!


德式香腸堡 $120 - 營養滿分, 蔬菜多多的德式香腸堡深得麵Q喜愛.


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Nola Kitchen 紐澳良小廚位於信義區象山親山步道口, 緊鄰三犁公園, 屬住宅區巷內的小店. 店內位置不多, 不過位置寬敞, 沒有擁擠的感覺. Nola Kitchen自豪的楓糖鬆餅炸雞是我去之前最想嘗試的一道菜餚. 鹹鹹的炸雞與楓糖鬆餅吃起來會是甚麼口感ㄋ? 沒想到焦焦脆脆的去骨炸雞腿肉加上外酥內軟的鬆餅,一甜一鹹搭起來卻不突兀,加上楓糖漿,口感更是一絕! 這跟小時候去同學家, 同學的媽媽做的花生醬煎蛋三明治一樣, 初次見到覺得奇妙, 但甜鹹參雜的衝突味覺,出乎意外的搭配.  楓糖鬆餅炸雞 $260 - Chicken & Waffles. Nola Kitchen is hiding within the residential area in Xinyi district near Sanli Park and Elephant Mountain trail. I put my hope high on their famous chicken and waffles and it did not diasppoint me. I thought the taste would be conflicting against each other yet the salty and crispy fried chicken with sweet and soft waffle were surprisingly tasty together. 


蕃茄香腸麵 $260 - 麵Q點的蕃茄香腸麵, 微辣的香腸, 九層塔與濃濃的蕃茄醬汁, 很對味. 麵Q一下子就吃光光. Pasta with Tomato and Sausage - slightly spiced sausages with basils matched well.


德州烤豬肋排 $360 - 大碗公點的烤豬肋排味道一般, 肉過柴, 沒有juicy的口感. Texas Spare Ribs - this dish was not very exciting as the ribs were too dried.


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愛吃麵食的一家子這回來到北醫旁的穆記牛肉麵, 是由住在新加坡的台灣好友推薦的. 小小的店家一入內即看到煎斤餅的爐臺在收銀台旁邊, 地下一樓也有座位, 不過生意很好, 內用, 外帶的食客均很多. 穆記出名的斤餅, 不用太多的油去炸, 慢慢的煎, 反而煎出外脆內軟的口感. 斤餅絲絲分明, 直接吃或是包牛肉與蒜苗都好吃. 另一人氣美食為牛肉麵,  麵條有粗, 細二種供選擇. 我個人喜好吃粗的麵條, 比較有嚼勁. 牛肉煮的軟嫩, 口感扎實卻不硬. 店家給的份量不手軟. 清燉或紅燒的湯頭都好喝, 就看你喜歡清淡或是較重的口味. 所有的麵點都有大小碗之分. 斤餅包牛肉 $100. I would recommend this place if you are a fan of beef noodle and Chinese pancakes. The health conscious Chinese pancakes are slowly pan fried with small amount of oil. The non greasy Chinese pancake is crispy on the outside, yet soft inside. Taste great by its own or warp with marinated beef.  The beef noodle comes in two flavours - clear stewed or braised. You can also chose between thick and thin noodles. I personally prefer the thick noodles are they are more chewy. All noodles come in two sizes.


炸醬麵 $60/ $80 Noodles in Soy Bean Paste


清燉牛肉湯麵 $80/$90 Clear Stewed Beef Noodle Soup


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在香港吃吃喝喝, 一天吃五, 六餐成了很平常的事, 愛吃甜點的我, 硬是拉著大碗公到Mandarin Oriental文華東方酒店喝下午茶, 吃蛋糕. Mandarin Oriental文華東方酒店位於中環, 在香港已經有50年的歷史, 也是Mandarin Oriental集團的第一間酒店. 來到The Mandarin Cake Shop, 有放鬆的感覺, 只有約10個座位, 精緻的麵包與蛋糕每一個都好吸引人. 今年正逢50歲的生日, The Mandarin Cake Shop的中間有個用白巧克力雕塑成的Mandarin Oriental HK模型, 非常美觀. Being the first Mandarin Oriental Hotel globally, Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong celebrates its 50th birthday this year. We visited The Mandarin Cake Shop for afternoon tea after our nonstop foody trip. The Mandarin Cake Shop is small with limited seats. They offer wide selection of pastries, cakes and breads. Wide variety of drinks including freshly squeezed juice, tea and coffee are also on the menu.

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Chocolate Mousse Cake HKD45


Latte HKD78


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中環MTR香港站的添好運, 座落於IFC的樓下, 也與Airport Express 香港站同棟, 剛抵港或要離港的朋友來這兒用餐均十分方便. 我們懷著朝聖的心情在離港前的最後一餐來到添好運, 畢竟以平價姿態即拿到Michelin guide 1 star可是'喉塞雷‘的一件事. 平日上午11點不到, 小小的店已經坐滿了. 不過等待的時間不會太久, 但是座位擁擠, 要有心理準備歐. Tim Ho Wan's dim sum has been awarded Michelin Guide 1 star for years. Located under IFC in Hong Kong MTR station, Tim Ho Wan is always crowded with locals and tourists.

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酥皮焗叉燒包 HKD18 - 香酥的外皮, 有類似波蘿包甜甜香酥的口感, 咬一口還感覺發出'咖ㄘ'的聲音. 內餡的叉燒, 吃得到一塊塊的叉燒肉塊, 真美味. 難怪每桌必點. Baked Bun with BBQ Pork - highly recommended dish as the crust is crunchy and the filling is moist and juicy. 


蜜味叉燒腸 HKD20 油亮滑潤的腸粉, 入口即化, 叉燒已經入味, 所以不用沾醬也好吃. Vermicelli Rice Roll with BBQ Pork


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我從小就愛吃粥, 在家吃鐵牛嫂煮的紅蘿蔔瘦肉粥(尤其是生病的時候, 吃一碗粥, 心情都好了一半), 長大了在外也愛找好吃的皮蛋瘦肉粥. 位於香港上環的生記粥品專家從上午7點開始營業, 用餐當天是平日的九點, 有很多當地人上班上學前到生記來吃早餐. 真是美好一天的開始啊!  我跟大碗公各點了一份粥品(均有大小碗之分), 順便來上一份搭配粥的炸麵(油條) HKD6. I've been a big fan of congee (porridge) since I was a kid. This local eatery in Sheung Wan opens at 7am to satisfy locals' picky appetite. 


皮蛋瘦肉粥 KHD30 - 用料不馬乎, 一整個皮蛋與豐富的豬肉絲, 滿滿一碗超級幸福的感覺! Congee with minced pork and perserved egg


豬潤粥 (豬肝) HKD30 - 豬潤即為豬肝, 非常軟嫩, 入口即化, 快要滿出來的豬潤, 非常的可口, 它竟然打敗皮蛋瘦肉粥, 成為我心目中香港粥品的第一名! Congee with pork lever - It has 'wow' my expectation as pork lever was very smooth and tender. It has became my top congee dish in Hong Kong.


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繼2012年身為在地人的高中好友帶我來過九記牛腩後, 聽到有要到香港玩的朋友, 一定推薦這間位於中環的九記牛腩. 雖然不論何時去都要排隊, 但是二層樓的小店, 翻桌率很快, 排隊的時間相對不會太長. My first visit to Kau Kee was back in May, 2012 and it has won my cast as my 'top eat' list in Hong Kong. Located in Central, you may need to line up even duriing off peak hours. However, you would not need to wait for too long as the tables turn pretty fast.  



咖哩牛腩牛筋湯河 HKD38 - 滿滿一碗, 用料實在的咖哩湯河, 深得大碗公的青睞. 軟嫩的牛筋搭配香蔥, 十分對味. 香味撲鼻, 帶點微辣的咖哩湯頭裹上河粉, 每一口都入味. Curry beef brisket and beef tendon with rice noodle soup - Aromatic curry soup was slightly spicy. I heart the beef tendon together with spring onions the most. 



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終於要啟程離開巴黎前往我們歐洲之旅的第三國 - 德國的科隆(Cologne or Koln). 選了早班的Thalys火車, 買了商務艙(Comfort 1)的車廂享受三個小時的快速快樂好時光. Comfort 1的位置寬敞, 有free wifi, 多樣選擇的雜誌與報紙, 還有早餐歐! 我們選了鹹的(cheese and ham)以及甜的(waffles with jam)早餐. 左上角的櫻桃新鮮甜美. 早上6:30吃到它覺得很開心ㄋ. Yoghurt不會過甜, 很順口. 右手邊的麵包可以一直追加吃到飽.

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早餐吃完沒多久, 餐車又出來了. 氣泡水 - 鋁罐裝的Perrier, 真可愛.


Thalys 火車在Paris Gare Du Nord 車站的月台出發前的照片


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一到香港, 到hotel check-in 後, 已經下午是一點多, 和大碗公馬上坐MTR到銅鑼灣的何洪記粥麵專家朝聖. 今年才搬遷到Hysan Place 12樓的何洪記粥麵專家總店已連續五年得到Michelin one star的殊榮. 雖然已經下午兩點, 排隊入座的食客仍然不少. Ho Hung Kee Congee & Noodle Wonton Shop was our first place to visit after we touched down Hong Kong. It has awarded one star by Michelin Guide 2013 for fifth consecutive year. Located on the 12th floor in Hysan Place (where Elite Bookstore is too) in Causeway Bay, it was still crowded at 2pm.



正斗鮮蝦雲吞麵 (大) HKD49 - 小而美的鮮蝦雲吞有Q彈的口感, 新鮮的蝦子不在話下. 我喜歡吃這種麵條 - 煮湯麵, 撈麵都好吃. 但往往會踩到地雷, 擔心麵條摻了太多的鹼粉而有種味道, 不過在何洪記不用擔心會有這個問題歐. 鮮蝦雲吞跟麵都好吃, 難怪會得到Michelin one star的榮譽. Prawn Wonton Noodle Soup - this is the dish that won Michelin Guide's one star. The wonton may look small but the sweetness and freshness of prawn exploded in my month as soon as I took my first bite. I also enjoyed the noodle by itself as it contained minimal amount of sodium carbonate (baking soda).



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一樂燒鵝的門口貼著一篇報導, 指出一樂燒鵝是平價版的鏞記燒鵝, 兩店僅一巷之隔, 一樂燒鵝也不是省油的燈, 一樣拿到Michelin Guidebook 推薦的榮譽, 招牌的燒鵝瀨粉是第一首選.  鵝肉多汁又鮮美, 浸了湯汁的鵝皮依舊帶著脆香, 鵝肉帶著五香與陳皮的香氣, 搭配清淡的湯頭, 與軟中帶硬的瀨粉(類似台灣的粗米粉), 非常速配. Yat Lok Restaurant is located on Stanley Street, Central, parallel to Yung Kee Restaurant. Both restaurants are known for its roasted goose and have been listed on Michelin Guidebook yet Yat Lok charges at a more reasonable price. Their most famous dish - Roasted Goose in thick Rice Noodle is highly recommended. 燒鵝瀨粉 HKD$40


燒鵝叉燒飯 HKD42 - 叉燒吃起來不會過柴, 甜鹹味適中, 非常好吃.  




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