期盼已久的蘭城晶英 櫻桃鴨好不容易吃到摟! 用餐當天是週日中午, 雖一個月前就訂位, 但是只訂得到一點鐘的桌子. 當服務生帶領我們進入紅樓餐廳旁邊的宴會廳, 我有點傻眼, 原來提供辦喜宴的宴會廳(約莫可放50桌)都被櫻桃鴨取代了. 事不宜遲, 馬上點了六人套餐, 趕快上桌吧! Long waited cherry duck in Silks Place Hotel Yilan has been on our list for months. We were sitted in the banquet hall on a Sunday lunch 1 pm reservation. Set meal for 6 was ordered for 3 families (6 adults with 4 hungry boys all under 6 years old). The portion was generous though it was not as good as I thought given it was rated as 'best duck in Taiwan'!



三道冷盤 - 牛肉



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金蓬萊台菜算是台北老店, 北投出身的它, 開業已經有60年了. 用餐當天約了鐵牛, 鐵牛嫂, 美女姑姑, 姑丈與Sah一同去, 人多才可以嘗試多點菜色. 不過用餐後的感想是 - 一般般而已誒! 或許是餐前對金蓬萊的期望過高, 畢竟在媒體或朋友間推薦的次數不少, 所以點了一桌子的菜, 驚艷感想的菜竟然只有排骨酥. 其他的菜只屬一般. Golden Formosa Taiwanese Restaurant has been up and running in Tianmu for 60 years. Serving local Taiwanese dishes, it is popular among locals and tourists. I may put my expectation too high prior to my visit, Golden Formosa did not 'wow' me after the dinner services. Most of the dishes were just standard and normal. The only dish that I liked was the deep fried pork ribs - juicy and crispy yet unfortunately overcharged.  


蓬萊小炒 $250


草山地瓜葉 $150/$200


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剛剛慶祝一週年的華泰瑞苑是蔣公行館的前身, 館內還有保留許多將公行館的文物, 與墾丁國家森林遊樂區, 大尖山相鄰, 遠遠眺望墾丁的海景, 一入住即有放鬆的感覺. 房間共有60間, 我們選在10月雙十連假前的平日入住, 住客很少, 沒有吵雜的聲音, 泳池也只有我們一家在享受日光浴, 感覺非常幸福. 這回入住的經典套房是塌塌米房, 我們一家四口住剛剛好, 房間不大, 但是大大的窗外即可看到大尖山, 視野極佳. 房價包含晚餐與次日早餐. 晚餐可算是我們在台灣的飯店用過最精緻最美味的. 可惜餐廳的燈光太昏暗, 無法一一照相跟大家分享, 那麼就請自己去嚐嚐吧! 早餐可選在室內或靠泳池的室外用餐, 海岸與大尖山的美景就在眼前. 早餐十分精緻又健康. 清晨有飯店巴士接送至社頂公園賞鷹, 晚上可到飯店的頂樓參加專人解說的觀星活動, 華泰瑞苑除了適合家庭旅遊,也適合情侶或是朋友出遊. Gloria Manor located at the foot of Dajianshan celebrating its 1st birthday in Oct 2013. Prior to its opening, it was named The Kenting House, being one of the favoured lodges of Chiang Kai-Shek. With 60 rooms, Gloria Manor offers secluded atmosphere as soon as you enter their door. Kenting National Forest Recreation Area and Sheding Nature Park are both a stone throw away from Gloria Manor. Free shuttle bus is available every morning to Sheding Nature Park for eagle viewings. With weather's permission, Gloria Manor also hosts star gazing activity at the roof top. It is a luxury accomodation serving greater clientele. The room rate include dinner and breakfast. I would have to say that the dinner here got to be one of the top hotel dinners I have dined in Taiwan. Pity that the restaurant was too dimmed to take picture of dishes.



Lobby 一角



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與三味食堂相隔幾間店面的祖師廟排骨大王是間台北老店. 乾淨明亮的店面很舒服, 與許多其他的台灣小吃店比, 祖師廟排骨大王的用餐環境乾淨許多. 瓜仔飯與排骨湯很搭歐. 飯帥跟大碗公都吃的很開心. 小菜 - 炸天婦羅有牛蒡絲, 香脆不油膩. A clean local Taiwanese eatery in Wanhua district has been serving its followers since 1947. Pork ribs soup and minced pork rice are their signature dishes. 






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三味食堂位於萬華的貴陽街上, 不論平日或假日, 內用或外帶, 總有滿滿的人潮. 店員先生們的服務態度很好. 是間有台灣人情味與台灣口味的日本料理. 上菜的速度很快, 而實在的用料與親民的價格是它絡繹不絕的不二法則. 手握壽司(半份)$160 - 切得厚片的生魚片, 非常新鮮. 我覺得可以做2個nigiri食用. 上面淋上微甜的醬油, 雖然不道地, 但是新鮮的台式壽司我覺得也不錯歐. This Taiwanese style, Japanese cuisine eatery in Wanhua district is always packed with diners no matter when you go. The sashimi is always fresh with generous portion of every dishes. Friendliness of staff also wins my vote to visit this eatery again. Nigiri (half portion) - thickly sliced sashimi topped with slightly sweet soy sauce may not be authentic yet freshness means all.IMG_1373.JPG

鍋燒烏龍 $120 - 滿滿一鍋的鍋燒烏龍看似台式小火鍋, 不過底下的烏龍麵QQ的有嚼勁, 清甜的湯頭, 沒有味精, 喝了也放心. Nabeyaki Udon - I liked its chewy undon with non-MSG soup base. 


炒烏龍 $120 - 烏龍麵沾滿了不會過鹹的醬汁, 很台式的配料但是很好吃. Stir Fried Udon - a very Taiwanese dish yet very tasty. 



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來到中山北路上的Regent Hotel慶祝大碗公的生日. 這回要吃Robin's Grill牛排館. 一進入Regent, 看到lobby的擺設是Tiffany&Co - 好美啊! Robin's Grill is located on the second floor of Regent Hotel in Taipei. Love the deco at the lobby. 


入座後先點主菜即可動身去吃到飽的有機沙拉Bar享用前菜. 可看到很多罕見的蔬菜. 養生又新奇. 水煮明蝦, 燻鮭魚, 九孔都十分新鮮. All you can eat antipasto and organic salad bar. All organic, you can find delicate items such as yellow cherry tomatoes, olive green cherry tomatoes and purple alfalfa sprouts. Seafood such as fresh boiled prawns, smoked salmon with capers and baby abalones are available. I also enjoyed anchovies together with salad. 




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來自大阪的麵屋輝位於伊通公園旁邊, 離南京松江站不遠, 在我上回介紹的Fika Fika Cafe斜對面. 小小的店面,店員熱情的招呼聲可不小歐. 與珍珠兔相約平日的中午去麵屋輝用餐, 當天的氣溫35度, 艷陽高照, 兩人都點沾麵, 因為熱熱的湯麵沒辦法enjoy! 下次去我要試試拉麵. 跟三田製麵所一樣, 麵的分量有分小,中,大(加價$20). 我們當天都點平日午餐才有的套餐, 麵點中份, 兩人都吃不完. Originated from Osaka, Menya Teru is located in a small alley near Songjiang Nanjing MRT Station, opposite to Yi Tong Park. It's diagonally opposite Fika Fika Cafe. Both tsukemen and ramen come in 3 sizes, small, medium or large (extra $20). I ordered medium size noodle with weekday set menu. It was very filling and satisfying.


和三田製麵所的沾醬雷同, 柴魚的味道很重, 不過比較清淡, 沒有三田的鹹. Dipping sauce for the tsukemen - strong flavour of dried bonito. Similar to Tokyo Mita's yet not as salty.


套餐B的叉燒飯 - 份量十足. 珍珠兔說味道一般. Char Siew Rice as part of Set B - generous portion 


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歐洲最高的建築物The Shard位於英國倫敦, 於2012年開幕, 總高310m. The View From The Shard的 於68 - 72樓設景觀台, . 最頂樓的景觀台是半開放式的, 邊興賞美景邊吹風, 很舒服. The View From The Shard有限制上去參觀的名額, 所以建議門票先在網上購買, 以免撲空. 34 - 52樓為Shargri-La Hotel香格里拉酒店, 預計於2013年底開幕. 其他的樓層包括住家, 餐廳與辦公室. 在London Bridge tube station旁邊, 交通十分便利. The Shard made its grand opening in 2012 making the tallest building in Europe (overtaken London Eye). We visited The View From the Shard on a sunny yet windy late afternoon in end of June for sunset viewing. The whole experience was wonderful with beautiful design of The Shard and of course - the overall view of London. Reservation is highly recommended as The Shard has limited entrance per time slot. Shangri-La is expected to open its door end of 2013, locating between 34 to 52 floors. London's bustling Borough Market is literally next door with plenty of restaurants and pubs available.






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來到新竹拜訪好朋友入新居, 先到巨城附近的桂壽司聚餐. 大人點了$1,500的套餐, 每個人都讚不絕口, 覺得美味又優質. Katsura Sushi is near Hsinchu's Big City Mall in a small alley. We ordered set meal at $1,500 each which were tasty and reasonably priced. Personally, I would prefer here over Mitsui's set meal at similar price in Taipei.

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冷盤前菜 appertizer




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一家子每隔一陣子就想找尋好吃的麵食小館. 此次來到文山區木柵的明鳳居, 價格親民, 有賣上海菜飯與麵點, 牛肉餡餅的皮薄又酥脆, 牛肉多汁, 好吃歐. 牛肉餡餅 $35


蔥油餅 $30


蹄花麵 $130 - 紅燒地十分入味的豬腳入口即化, 豐富的膠質吃了好像塗上護唇膏. 白色的湯頭微甜, 清淡不油膩.


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