來到中山北路上的Regent Hotel慶祝大碗公的生日. 這回要吃Robin's Grill牛排館. 一進入Regent, 看到lobby的擺設是Tiffany&Co - 好美啊! Robin's Grill is located on the second floor of Regent Hotel in Taipei. Love the deco at the lobby.
入座後先點主菜即可動身去吃到飽的有機沙拉Bar享用前菜. 可看到很多罕見的蔬菜. 養生又新奇. 水煮明蝦, 燻鮭魚, 九孔都十分新鮮. All you can eat antipasto and organic salad bar. All organic, you can find delicate items such as yellow cherry tomatoes, olive green cherry tomatoes and purple alfalfa sprouts. Seafood such as fresh boiled prawns, smoked salmon with capers and baby abalones are available. I also enjoyed anchovies together with salad.
自製的麵包包括cheese圓麵包及mini大蒜麵包. 兩者都非常香, 口感很好. I was already full after enjoying the fresh organic salad, smoke salmon and anchovies. Further dishes were served. Cheesy bread roll and mini garlic bread - both made inhouse and above the standard.
龍蝦濃湯 - 龍蝦的味道非常濃郁, 沒有偷工減料. 直接喝有點過鹹, 但跟麵包一起吃就剛剛好. Lobster Thick Soup - chuncks of lobsters can be found in the soup. The soup was bit salty by its own. However, it went well with bread.
蘑菇濃湯 Mushroom Soup - creamy thick soup was aromatic and appertising. I liked the froth on top of the soup.
羊奶cheese與碎果仁 - 有一點腥味. Goat cheese yoghurt with spinkles of nuts and peas - It did not attract me as the strong smell of goat cheese.
半隻龍蝦與肋眼牛排 8 oz ($2,600) - 大碗公吃完龍蝦後說, '這麼有水準的餐廳怎麼沒有準備濕紙巾或是檸檬水讓客人清潔手?' 我舉雙手贊成. Robin's Grill, 請考慮我們的建議吧! Lobster with Rib Eye 8 oz - no wet wipes nor lemon water by the table to clean the hands after serving lobsters. I guess it's something Robin's can consider about.
沙朗牛排 8 oz ($1,950) - 相信廚師在煎牛排時有撒鹽巴, 牛排某些部位很鹹. Sirloin Steak 8 oz - medium grilled sirloin was soft. However, some part of the steak was too salty. Salt must have not been evenly sprinkled when grilling.
五分熟的羊排, 微微的粉紅色的肉, 鮮嫩多汁, 不比牛排遜色. Lamb chops cooked in medium was tender and juicy.
烤春雞 - 原本以為雞肉會乾柴, 但是肉嫩, herbal味撲鼻, 讓我對它大大的改觀. Grilled chicken - initially thought it would be dry yet the chicken was aromatic and juicy.
招待的巧克力, 香濃的巧克力慕斯再裹上微苦的黑巧可力. Complimentary chocolates - chocolate mousse coated by pure dark chocolate.
送給壽星大碗公的小蛋糕. 超級好吃的cheesecake. 比點心Bar的cheesecake還好吃! Treat from Robin's just for the Birthday Boy! The cheesecake was very tasty.
點心Bar - 超過十種選擇的點心Bar害我貪心的想每一種都嚐嚐. 誰叫我有第二個胃專門裝甜點勒? Dessert Bar - over 10 types of desserts available for your selection. I strongly recommend the profiteroles and handmade cookies.
吃到飽的Haagen-Dazs - 我吃了五球的綠茶冰淇淋. 好開心! Haagen-Dazs - I had 5 scoops of Green Tea ice-cream. Love it!
Fruit corner
Robin's Grill
到Robin's用餐一定會吃得很撐離開. 只需點一道主菜即能享用以上所有的美食. 我非常推薦有機沙拉Bar和新鮮的海鮮冷盤. 牛排還不用出菜, 就已經吃得開心又滿足. Robin's的牛排不算是最優的. 我跟大碗公更推薦仁愛圓環附近的牛排館(請容我下回介紹).不過Robin's多樣化選擇的有機沙拉Bar, 海鮮冷盤, 甜點與水果是它維持高人氣的秘密武器. Robin's Grill 旁邊是鐵板燒, 用餐當日也是生意興隆. 下回該試試. Robin's steak is not the best in Taipei, yet their high quality organic salad bar, fresh seafood antipesto and dessert bar keeps its fame. Robin's also has teppanyaki section on the same floor.
Robin's Grill at Regent Hotel
02-25238000 ext 3930
Open daily for lunch and dinner