來到新竹拜訪好朋友入新居, 先到巨城附近的桂壽司聚餐. 大人點了$1,500的套餐, 每個人都讚不絕口, 覺得美味又優質. Katsura Sushi is near Hsinchu's Big City Mall in a small alley. We ordered set meal at $1,500 each which were tasty and reasonably priced. Personally, I would prefer here over Mitsui's set meal at similar price in Taipei.
冷盤前菜 appertizer
明太子烤魚 - 這是我在桂壽司吃到最喜愛的一道. 魚皮烤得香香酥酥的, 魚肚子中間塞了滿滿的明太子, 微辣的口感非常美味. 大家無聲的享受這道佳餚, 吃得精光! Baked Fish with Mentaigo - my favourite dish of the day. Crispy fish skin with generous amount of mentaigo marked a big success in this dish.
星鰻花壽司 - 星鰻沒有腥味, 很優歐. Grilled Eel with rice
茶碗蒸 Chawanmushi
套餐中我第二喜歡的菜 - 燉牛肉 - 牛腱帶筋, 入口即化, 非常好吃. 麵Q跟飯帥都很喜歡. My second fav of the set meal - beef stew.
最後的松茸湯 - 清爽不油膩, 替這套餐劃上美好的句點. Mushroom Soup was aromatic and light. A wonderful touch as the end of the set meal.
為小朋友加點的sukiyaki - 牛肉有點硬, 不過醬汁的味道不錯, 不會死鹹. The beef in sukiyaki was bit dry.
另一加點的照燒雞 - 去骨雞腿肉, 軟嫩入味, 十分下飯. Teriyaki chicken - all the kids enjoyed this dish as it was tender and juicy.
甜點 - 奶酪, 上面還有綠茶 Pudding with green tea and red beans on top
不加綠茶的奶酪, 特別給小朋友吃的甜點. Pudding without green tea - catered for kids
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Open 7 days 11:30 - 14:00 / 17:30 - 21:00