金蓬萊台菜算是台北老店, 北投出身的它, 開業已經有60年了. 用餐當天約了鐵牛, 鐵牛嫂, 美女姑姑, 姑丈與Sah一同去, 人多才可以嘗試多點菜色. 不過用餐後的感想是 - 一般般而已誒! 或許是餐前對金蓬萊的期望過高, 畢竟在媒體或朋友間推薦的次數不少, 所以點了一桌子的菜, 驚艷感想的菜竟然只有排骨酥. 其他的菜只屬一般. Golden Formosa Taiwanese Restaurant has been up and running in Tianmu for 60 years. Serving local Taiwanese dishes, it is popular among locals and tourists. I may put my expectation too high prior to my visit, Golden Formosa did not 'wow' me after the dinner services. Most of the dishes were just standard and normal. The only dish that I liked was the deep fried pork ribs - juicy and crispy yet unfortunately overcharged.
蓬萊小炒 $250
草山地瓜葉 $150/$200
紅蟳油飯 $550/$980
香炸芋條 $250
土魠魚米粉鍋 $880 - 點菜的阿姨一直推薦, 不過我向來不愛炸物加進湯裡, 所以沒有太喜歡
紅燒蹄膀 $650
招牌海鮮餅 $180
金蓬萊 Golden Formosa Taiwanese Cuisine
02 28711517
Open for lunch and dinner (Close on Mondays)