台北喜來登大飯店內有許多出名的餐廳, 這回來到港式餐廳 - 辰園用餐, 顧客服務, 餐廳裝潢都優, 港式點心更不含糊, 道道都在水準之上. 叉燒酥 - 又香又酥, 非常滿意這道點心! Sheraton Grande Hotel is conviently located next to Shandao Temple MRT Staion. It is known for its famous restaurants serving different types of cuisine including International Buffet, Cantonese, Italian, Japanese and Thai. We visit their Dragon Cantonese restaurant located on the basement floor. Great service, good atmosphere and of course above standard dim sum dishes. Baked BBQ Pork Pastry - a big fan of this dish as I always order it when I visit any Cantonese resturants. Crispy pastry and tasty fillings that I would recommend to all.


煎蘿蔔糕 - 招牌菜之一, 臘味港式蘿蔔糕, 好吃大推薦! Pan Fried Carrot Cake - this aromatic savory dish is crispy on the outside.  


鮮蝦腐皮卷 - 我很喜歡這道點心, 脆脆的腐皮與鮮甜的蝦, 非常美味歐. Fried Bean curd roll with Prawns - crispy bean curd and sweet prawns marked a triump to this dish!


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長安東路上, 靠近復興南路有一間台菜 - 茂園, 有兩間店面, 各二層樓, 不論是午餐或是晚餐, 生意都非常好. 決定來這試試這家高人氣的店. 茂園的名菜 - 白菜滷, 有香菇, 蝦仁, 金針菇, 魚皮及豬肉條. 它是一道菜, 也可是湯, 味道不會過鹹, 直接吃或是配白飯都好吃. Cabbage wrapped Pork - one of the signature dishes in this restaurant. It has dried baby prawns, mushrooms, fish skin and pork. A tasty dish that can be eaten as a dish with steam rice or as soup.  


炒海瓜子 - 鮮美的海瓜子, 非常新鮮, 如果有加入九層塔就會更棒歐! Stir Fried Clamps - as fresh as sea. It would be even better if basils were added.


川燙蝦 - 新鮮的蝦子, 甜甜的. 簡單就是美味. Prawns - fresh and sweet prawns, simple at its best! 


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三禾米粉湯位於台灣大學醫學院旁邊, 是台大校友二舅舅帶我們來的. 他說他吃了快30年, 每次回台灣都會特地來吃. 米粉湯 ($25) - 粗粗的米粉, 令我驚訝的是它並不會過軟, 反而留有QQ的咬勁.白色的湯頭, 帶點甜味, 因它包含了所有小菜的精華,  像是肉類, 蔬菜, 油豆腐, 菜卷等等.  吃之前再撒上白胡椒. 很有味道歐! Rice Noodle Soup is one of the traditional Taiwanese street food. During the old times, farmers tend to eat them for breakfast as it is more filling. This eatery has been up and running for over 40 years. You can order over 20 types of side dishes such as vegetables, pork (different parts), tofu and seafood. 


綜合切盤 - 有豬肝連 ($40), 豬心($50)以及油豆腐($20) - 好吃沒有腥味, 沾上自家製的辣椒醬有錦上添花的功效.  We ordered pork, pork heart and tofu. Pork and heart were tender. Eating with their homemade chilli sauce is a plus. 


菜卷 - 好吃的手工菜, 可惜今次似乎燙太久, 高麗菜與肉解體了! 賣相不加, 不過味道還是跟以往一樣好. Cabbage Meat Rolls - unfortunately the cabbage meat rolls had fallen apart this time. However, it still tasted as nice as before.


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鄰近台北火車站後站的金春發牛肉是我們一家愛去光顧的小店. 店內販售台灣牛的菜餚. 有濃濃的台灣味歐. 炒咖喱牛肉麵 - 這道炒麵有咖喱的辛香味, 連麵條都有裹上咖喱的汁, 真的要大大的推薦. This Taiwanese beef specialist eatery has been up and running for over 100 years. My favourite dish here is the curry beef fried noodle. The gravy is in placed in every single noodle that is aromatic and irresitable.


牛雜湯 - 湯頭很香, 小小一碗的湯, 但是料很實在, 雖是牛雜, 但是咬起來不柴. Beef Offal Soup - surprisingly the beef was still very tender.


牛筋, 牛肚切盤 - 牛筋非常的嫩歐, 粘着自製的辣椒醬更是一絕. 不過這份切盤很迷你, 跟menu上的很不同誒. Beef Tendon and Beef Tripe - taste great with their homemade chilli sauce


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選了個平日跟Iron Lady到Baffi享用Italian food, 位在仁愛路四段的小巷子裡, 計程車先生迷路了找不到, 我們只好自己靠著手機再慢慢找. 餐廳不大, 約有10張小桌而已, 微暗的燈光, 開放式的廚房, 是間低調簡單的店. 我們當天選了商業午餐, 有湯品, 前菜, 主餐以及甜點. 吃完非常滿足, 因為鹹的, 甜的都好吃. 加點的baguette, 比整支手臂還要長, 外皮很脆, 吃起來很彈牙. 沾着橄欖油與紅酒醋, 又香又好吃. Baffi Italian Trattoria is located in one of the little alleys on Ren Ai Road. The deco is low key and simple. You can see all the happenings as the kitchen is open spaced.  We ordered Business Set Lunch menu for $280 each. Also ordered an arm-length baguette as it is one of their popular orders at Baffi. The baguette was crusty outside and chewy inside. Excellent with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


玉米湯及筊白筍沙拉 - 濃濃甜甜的玉米湯配上麵包真是很棒的combination. 當令的筊白筍作成沙拉, 清爽沒有負擔. First was the daily soup and bamboo salad as part of the Business Lunch. The soup was thick and sweet - great combo with baguette! I liked their light and fresh bamboo salad as bamboo is right in the spring/summer season in Taiwan.


西西里海鮮燉飯 (常常會有) - 鮮美的花枝圈, 蝦仁以及濃厚的蕃茄味, 上面在放些酸奶, 很好吃, 超有飽足感的. 燉飯下放的baking paper跟盤子都是熱的, 我還差一點燙到手誒. Seafood Risotto - strong tomato based risotto with fresh prawns and calamari rings with a dash of sour cream. It was very tasty indeed!


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稻禾烏龍麵位於中山捷運站巷內, 米朗琪咖啡廳的旁邊, 手工製造的烏龍麵是它好吃的賣點. 麵條很Q很彈牙, 非常好吃. 自助式的點餐方式, 先選炸物, 冷菜, 再點烏龍麵, 一切十分迅速但不失美味, 真可說是'速食界'成功的店家. 稻禾與穗科手打烏龍麵出自於同一集團. 後來登場的稻禾添加了肉類與海鮮的選擇, 區分了素食與非素食者的喜好. 柴魚上湯烏龍麵 ($100) - 清爽的湯頭, 適合不愛重口味的朋友. Inaka Udon is located near Zhong Shan metro station, right next to Melange Cafe. Freshly made udon is highly recommended as smooth and chewing udon do not require extra dressings. Soup Udon - suitable for those who prefer light flavour.


沾麵(冷) ($90) Tsuke Udon (cold)




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一位難求的曾德自助火鍋城是間石頭火鍋的老店, 在週末的晚餐用餐, 幸好有先訂位, 因為門口擁擠的人潮,  恐怕要等至少一個鐘頭才吃的到. 火鍋料的選擇很多, 除了肉類, 海鮮, 青菜, 丸子, 菇類, 一共有近30種供選擇. 每盤的單價為$30或$60, 非常親民的價位. 一盤盤的放在ㄧ, 二樓的冰箱自取. 動作太慢, 招牌的排骨酥就吃不到了. 這排骨酥看似一般, 但是真的好吃, 吸入沙茶火鍋的湯汁有提味的功效. 吃了二盤的排骨酥後想要再吃, 發現已經賣完了! 另外推薦的還有這兒的花枝丸, 貢丸和蛋餃. 以下僅圖示了幾道火鍋料, 因為當天肚子太餓, 忘記要把它一一照下. 這就是必吃的排骨酥. This is a very traditional hot pot eatery in Taipei near Ximen metro station. Serving tasty and good value food, reservation is highly recommended. All dishes are placed in the fridge located on the ground and first floor, ranging from $30 to $60 each. Once done, an aunty will be starting up the hot pot by your table. Recommended dishes include Fried Pork Ribs, Squid Balls, Pork Meat Balls and Egg Dumplings. I only managed to take some photos as I was too eager to dig in!


蛋餃 Egg Dumplings


牛肚 Beef Tripe


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這回來到民權東路上的Pizzeria Oggi, 和天母店相比大了許多. 有二層用餐區, 連騎樓都擺放用餐的桌椅, 在涼爽的晚上用餐應該滿不錯的. Oggi Salad - 今次沙拉的品質不是很好, 覺得蔬菜似乎放在室溫太久, 變得不新鮮不脆. 大扣分! We visited Pizzeria Oggi's Minquan store on a Saturday evening. The Minquan store has two floors with an outdoor seating area. It was my second visit yet the food here was not as pleasant as my first visit. The salad didn't seem very fresh to me this time. The salad leaves were bit dry yet not crispy. Quality control should be in placed to keep its customers returning.


惡魔披薩  -Diavola


法蘭克福香腸披薩 - Salsiccia di Francoforte


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うなぎ 二葉 Unagi Futaba 是一間鰻魚飯的專門店. 松野家族從昭和23年開業至今, 已經傳承到第三代. 我們趁著三月底來到還在下雪的北海道-札幌(Sapporo)自由行, 出發前先找了一些出現在Michelin Guide Hokkaido 2012中推薦的餐廳. 選中了うなぎ 二葉. 它距離地下鐵站すすきの(Susukino/薄野)不到10分鐘, 當天雖是晴空萬里, 但是氣溫只有1度, 路旁的雪還沒有融化, 一進入溫暖的餐廳, 坐上tatami, 喝杯熱茶, 身體才暖和起來. 打開菜單一看, 名符其實的鰻魚飯專門店, 新鮮鰻魚還活跳跳的在廚房, 不費多久的時間變成食客的桌上物. 他們只賣鰻魚, menu上找不到其他的餐點. 於是我們點了うな丼(Unadon)以及うな重(Unaju). 均附上味噌汁、漬物. うな丼 (JPY1,890) - 超厚實的鰻魚肉外面烤的微焦, 一咬下去魚肉非常的軟嫩. 油脂立即化開, 下面鋪上好吃的日本米與醬汁, 是我吃過最肥美的鰻魚飯. 美中不足的是鰻魚有一些細小的魚刺, 飯Q以及麵帥不愛. Unagi Futaba is listed on Michelin Guide Hokkaido 2012 as on of the best Japanese eel (うなぎ) restaurants in Sapporo. It has been up and running for 3 generations and I really appreciate the dedication they have put into their family business.  Less than 10 minutes walk from Susukino underground station, Unagi Futaba only serves grilled eel with rice in various ways. We ordered a うな丼 (Unadon) for the boys to share. The set meal comes with miso shiru (miso soup) and tsukemono (pickled vegetables). The eel was lightly brown on the outside yet the fish meat was moist and juicy. I have never tasted such Unagi that was so rich in fish oil and tender of the fish meat. 


うな重 梅 (JPY2,500)- 雙倍的鰻魚讓我們吃的非常過癮. 我跟大碗公一人點一份, 份量太多. 我應點うな丼就好了. 人還是別太貪心啊! Unaju Ume - doubling the portion of eel on top of tasty Japanese rice. I couldn't finish the whole serving on my own.


三層樓的新穎建築, 室內採十分日式ㄅㄜ裝潢, 有tatami區以及一般的桌椅. 用餐區在一, 二樓. 坐在一樓還可直接看到師傅烤鰻魚歐!  The dining area covers ground and first floor. Seating area comprise of tatami with tables and chairs. You can see all the happenings on the groud floor where the chefs are.


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食養山房十分隱密的藏身在汐止山區, 和風景區 - 新山 夢湖是同一方向, 不過一路上沒有指標, 就連門前也沒有招牌. 真的是100%的隱密.  要不是有GPS帶路, 我們一定會錯過而直接開到新山 夢湖. 食養山房走的是日式與中式聯合的創意料理. 每位套餐$1,210, 食材新鮮, 豐富. 菜餚一道一道慢慢的上, 讓用餐的客人可一邊欣賞窗外美麗的山景, 享受美食與開心的聊天. 第一道是烏魚子蔬菜湯, 一喝就撲鼻的香氣及濃郁的湯頭, 在溼冷的晚餐時間喝非常適合. Shi-Yang is located in the midst of XiZhi mountains in New Taipei City. There is no signage nor road sign no the way, do not forget to set you GPS before you head out. The set meal costs $1,210 per head serving fusion dishes with a combination of Japanese and Chinese influence. You can easily wind down in Shi-Yang as soon as you step into its gate.  The first dish to arrive was vegetable and mullet roe thick soup. It was very aromatic and rich. Great for a wet and cold dinner serving. 


 玉米冷湯與花生豆腐 - 玉米冷湯十分的甜, 深受小朋友的喜愛. 和它反差的花生豆腐沒有味道. 也沒有花生味兒. Corn Cold Soup and Peanut Tofu - soup was chilling and sweet. However, tofu was very bland.




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