
長安東路上, 靠近復興南路有一間台菜 - 茂園, 有兩間店面, 各二層樓, 不論是午餐或是晚餐, 生意都非常好. 決定來這試試這家高人氣的店. 茂園的名菜 - 白菜滷, 有香菇, 蝦仁, 金針菇, 魚皮及豬肉條. 它是一道菜, 也可是湯, 味道不會過鹹, 直接吃或是配白飯都好吃. Cabbage wrapped Pork - one of the signature dishes in this restaurant. It has dried baby prawns, mushrooms, fish skin and pork. A tasty dish that can be eaten as a dish with steam rice or as soup.  


炒海瓜子 - 鮮美的海瓜子, 非常新鮮, 如果有加入九層塔就會更棒歐! Stir Fried Clamps - as fresh as sea. It would be even better if basils were added.


川燙蝦 - 新鮮的蝦子, 甜甜的. 簡單就是美味. Prawns - fresh and sweet prawns, simple at its best! 


炸花枝丸/蝦卷 - 炸花枝丸是我當天最喜歡的菜. 吃得到花枝的切片, 口感很Q, 微甜. 蝦卷則一般. Deep Fried Squid Balls and Prawn Rolls. Deep fried squid balls got to be my top pick of the night. Chuncky squid was chewy and sweet. 


清蒸三角魚 - 一人一尾的小魚, 上面鋪上醃製過的鹹冬瓜, 清爽沒有腥味. Steamed Fish - topped with marinated winter melon. It was fresh and light.


炒地瓜葉 Stir Fried Vegetable


老菜脯排骨湯 - 老菜脯吃起來過軟, 加上黑色的湯頭, 口味, 賣相都不佳. 剩了一半沒人吃. Marinated Radish Pork Soup - it didn't win my heart taste wise and presentation wise.


茂園從1971年就開業了, 賣的是台菜, 海鮮十分新鮮. 不過其他的菜餚我覺得一般. 吃完並沒有太大的感動. 以上的餐點約$3,000, 不算便宜. This Taiwanese food restaurant was opened since 1971. The seafood was very fresh yet the rest of the dishes were not so excited. It costed over $3,000 for the above dishes. Personally I think it is over-rated.




02 27528585

Open 7 days for lunch and dinner



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