鄰近台北火車站後站的金春發牛肉是我們一家愛去光顧的小店. 店內販售台灣牛的菜餚. 有濃濃的台灣味歐. 炒咖喱牛肉麵 - 這道炒麵有咖喱的辛香味, 連麵條都有裹上咖喱的汁, 真的要大大的推薦. This Taiwanese beef specialist eatery has been up and running for over 100 years. My favourite dish here is the curry beef fried noodle. The gravy is in placed in every single noodle that is aromatic and irresitable.
牛雜湯 - 湯頭很香, 小小一碗的湯, 但是料很實在, 雖是牛雜, 但是咬起來不柴. Beef Offal Soup - surprisingly the beef was still very tender.
牛筋, 牛肚切盤 - 牛筋非常的嫩歐, 粘着自製的辣椒醬更是一絕. 不過這份切盤很迷你, 跟menu上的很不同誒. Beef Tendon and Beef Tripe - taste great with their homemade chilli sauce
沙茶牛肉 - 另一道大大推薦的好料. 沙茶入味, 十分下飯! Satay Beef - another popular dish.
咖哩蕃茄牛肉 - 又是一道大大推薦的好料. 沒想到咖哩跟蕃茄可以這麼搭. Curry Tomato Beef - my number two in this beef eatery. Great with steam rice that I could finish it all up by myself.
馬鈴薯牛肉 Potato Beef
洋蔥牛肉 Onion Beef
台灣牛料理道道都有一定的水準. 炒咖哩牛肉麵是我的最愛. 百年老店真的是非常厲害, 每次吃完都會一不小心吃太撐. 以上所有的菜餚加上八碗白飯共$1,100. 6個人吃完開開心心的回家, 心滿又意足. We visit this Taiwanese beef eatery quite often as it always remind me of Taiwanese culture and flavour. If you love beef dishes, you ought to give it a try!
02 25589835
Open from 11:00 to 21:00 (Close on Mondays)