稻禾烏龍麵位於中山捷運站巷內, 米朗琪咖啡廳的旁邊, 手工製造的烏龍麵是它好吃的賣點. 麵條很Q很彈牙, 非常好吃. 自助式的點餐方式, 先選炸物, 冷菜, 再點烏龍麵, 一切十分迅速但不失美味, 真可說是'速食界'成功的店家. 稻禾與穗科手打烏龍麵出自於同一集團. 後來登場的稻禾添加了肉類與海鮮的選擇, 區分了素食與非素食者的喜好. 柴魚上湯烏龍麵 ($100) - 清爽的湯頭, 適合不愛重口味的朋友. Inaka Udon is located near Zhong Shan metro station, right next to Melange Cafe. Freshly made udon is highly recommended as smooth and chewing udon do not require extra dressings. Soup Udon - suitable for those who prefer light flavour.
沾麵(冷) ($90) Tsuke Udon (cold)
明太子烏龍麵(冷) ($150) - 超愛明太子的我覺得這道真的是太優了! 微辣的明太子與淡淡的醬油香搭配的非常美味. Mentaigo Udon (cold) - I am a big fan of mentaigo and I loved this dish very much. Mentaigo was slightly spicy yet not over-powering. Excellent combination with light soy sauce.
蒜香牛肉烏龍麵 ($140) - 牛肉不會柴, 帶一點油花, 很順口. Beef Udon - tender beef that was not too dry.
湯咖哩烏龍麵 ($130) - 咖哩的湯頭過於清淡, 沒有咖哩的香味, 是今晚最弱的烏龍麵. Soup Curry Udon - the curry was lack in curry flavour given it was too bland. The weakest udon dish of the night.
炸地瓜餅 ($40)- 地瓜絲加上些許的芋頭絲和紅蘿蔔絲, 炸好後再灑上梅粉, 比我預期的還要好吃! Deep Fried Sweet Yam - topped with plum powder, it was more tasty than I expected.
炸大蝦 (two for $110) - 水準之上的炸蝦, 麵衣不會過厚, 蝦子也新鮮. 好吃! Deep Fried Prawns - fresh prawns with thin patty ticked all my boxes of good tempura prawn.
炸雞塊 (one for $50) - 非常好吃的炸雞腿塊, 多汁鮮嫩, 很優歐! Kraage - My favourite side dish of the day. Tender and juicy chicken thighs was very tasty.
自助式擺設 Self served arrangements
泡菜 ($40) - 口味一般, 下回我不會點它. Kimchi - it was just fine. I would not pick this dish in my next visit.
涼拌龍鬚菜佐芝麻醬 ($40) - 口味清爽 Seasoned Vege with Sesame Salad Dressing - Refreshing and light
介紹自助式的流程 Self Serve procedures
稻禾烏龍麵 Inaka Udon
02-2536- 2828
open from 11:30