食養山房十分隱密的藏身在汐止山區, 和風景區 - 新山 夢湖是同一方向, 不過一路上沒有指標, 就連門前也沒有招牌. 真的是100%的隱密. 要不是有GPS帶路, 我們一定會錯過而直接開到新山 夢湖. 食養山房走的是日式與中式聯合的創意料理. 每位套餐$1,210, 食材新鮮, 豐富. 菜餚一道一道慢慢的上, 讓用餐的客人可一邊欣賞窗外美麗的山景, 享受美食與開心的聊天. 第一道是烏魚子蔬菜湯, 一喝就撲鼻的香氣及濃郁的湯頭, 在溼冷的晚餐時間喝非常適合. Shi-Yang is located in the midst of XiZhi mountains in New Taipei City. There is no signage nor road sign no the way, do not forget to set you GPS before you head out. The set meal costs $1,210 per head serving fusion dishes with a combination of Japanese and Chinese influence. You can easily wind down in Shi-Yang as soon as you step into its gate. The first dish to arrive was vegetable and mullet roe thick soup. It was very aromatic and rich. Great for a wet and cold dinner serving.
玉米冷湯與花生豆腐 - 玉米冷湯十分的甜, 深受小朋友的喜愛. 和它反差的花生豆腐沒有味道. 也沒有花生味兒. Corn Cold Soup and Peanut Tofu - soup was chilling and sweet. However, tofu was very bland.
餅皮裡包的是燻鮭魚, 上面再撒上鮭魚卵, 令人驚艷的一道小點. Smoked salmon wrapped by pastry with a dash of salmon roe - very tasty entre.
四人份的海膽, 九孔, 烏賊, 生魚包紫菜 - 海膽很鮮甜, 下面鋪了豆皮. 真想追加一份. 其他的海鮮也很新鮮歐. 附上川燙的皎白筍, 綠花椰菜及紅蘿蔔. Raw seafood platter (serving for four) - my top pick got to be uni (sea urchin). Thin sheet of bean curd was placed under uni. An interesting yet tasty combination.
黑木耳汁 - 喝的到黑木耳的顆粒, 加上微酸的醋, 口感很特別. Black Fungus Juice - with a hint of vinegar, can still taste the particles of black fungus.
烤蝦, 烏魚子麻糬與蒸南瓜 - 烤蝦烤的適中, 肉質鮮甜, 連殼都可以吃. 烏魚子麻糬是我第一次見到的組合, 外面微脆, 搭上烏魚子自有的香氣, 非常的特別. Grilled Prawn, Mullet Roe in Mochi and Steamed Pumpkin - Prawn was fresh and sweet. Baked mullet roe is a traditional Taiwanese ingredient always served during Chinese New Year - symbolising prosperity. A tasty combination.
紅番石榴汁 - 現榨的果汁味道濃郁, 這是我第一次喝, 很新奇. Red Grave Juice - thick freshly squeezed red guave juice was rich and tasted like a smoothy.
荷風拌飯佐干貝 - 新鮮的干貝與炒飯一人一小球, 下面鋪了炒高麗菜, 味道偏淡. Rice ball with fresh Scallop - stir fried cabbage served at the bottom of the dish. The taste was bit bland overall.
荷花雞湯 - 乾燥的荷花是上桌後才放的, 花瓣有淡淡的香味, 花蕊就有點苦啦. 綜合的菇類增添了脆度. 而這雞湯真的是非常的好喝. 豐富的膠質讓我們的嘴唇有黏黏的感覺. 重點是它沒有加味精! Chicken soup with mushroom - the dried water lily was placed after the soup was presented. Flower petals got light aroma yet the stamenpistil was bit bitter. The chicken soup was rich in collagen as I felt like I got glue on my lips. The bonus point was no MSG added!
甜點 - 來自大甲的芋頭做成的芋泥, 黑糖小湯圓以及薏仁. 雖然已經吃的很飽, 但是身為芋頭的超級大fans, 不論如何都要嚐嚐. 這甜點料理的非常好吃. 大甲的芋頭好吃不在話下, 與薏仁, 小湯圓的組合很優歐. Dessert - taro paste, dumpling and barley. I enjoyed the dish very much as I am a huge fan of taro. The dessert was not too sweet and the combination of the ingredients was excellent.
水果 Fruits
大門口 The entrance
一樓用餐的ㄧ角 Dining area on the ground floor.
二樓面山的位置. 我們當晚就是坐在這兒. 可惜外面下雨, 不然可到陽台欣賞剛開的油桐花. Dining area on the second floor.
非常欣賞食養山房的氛圍, 讓人十分放鬆, 沒有壓力. 用餐當天正是鐵牛的60大壽. 大家吃的非常開心. 下回我要中午時間來用餐, 才可以看清楚汐止山間的美. I like Shi-Yang's ambience and setting. It was truly a pleasure to dine at Shi-Yang.
食養山房 Shi-Yang
新北市汐止區汐萬路三段350巷7號 No 7, Lane 350, Sec 3, Xi Wan Rd, XiZhi District, New Taipei City
Open for lunch and dinner, close on Mondays