鳳臨位於木柵山區, 經過政治大學後, 開上山約10分鐘即達. 腹地很大, 用餐區被綠意盎然的山及花草包圍, 環境相當不錯. 無菜單的創意美食($1,100一位), 跟上回介紹的食養山房有異曲同工之妙. 前菜 - 涼拌小菜佐梅子汁, 山藥麵線與魚子醬, 髮菜絲 - 樣樣都清爽, 順口. 我最喜歡山藥麵線. Fong Lin is surronded by hills and trees near National Chengchi University in Muzha. Similar to Shi-Yang, Fong Lin charges $1,100 per head with no menu. Tthe ambience has strong 'Zen' and Chinese deco. Entree - vege in plum juice, Chinese yam with caviar and seaweed salad.
香芋濃湯 - 撒上松子, 增添香氣. 不過我還是比較愛吃甜的芋頭. Taro thick soup - topped with pine nuts added extra aroma. However, I still prfer taro cooked as sweets not savory.
沙拉與梅子醬 Salad with Plum Dressing
去油解膩的烏梅汁 - 好酸 Sour plum juice - to rebalance your taste bud and ease the heaviness of thick taro soup
Sashimi - 有鮭魚, 鮪魚, 旗魚, 帶子以及石蓮花. 生意很不錯的鳳臨, sashimi中的旗魚和帶子竟然不新鮮, 吃起來有腥味! Pity that salifish and scallop were bit fishy.
炸五色芋泥捲及蝦球 - 芋泥捲過乾, 相信是芋泥的量太多. 蝦球其實就是蝦子去殼後油炸, 無太大的驚喜. Deep fried taro roll and prawns. Taro roll rolled with vege in 5 different colours was bit dry and bland. The deep fried prawn was very normal.
煎地震魚佐蕃茄丁 Pan Fried Oarfish topped with diced tomatoes
壽司卷 Sushi Maki
香水蓮花雞湯 - 跟食養山房的雞湯十分類似, 不過這兒的味道略遜一些. Chicken soup with dried lotus - not as nice as Shi-Yang's.
水果和味道非常普通的小蛋糕 - 感覺很陽春 Smiple fruits and cake
再介紹兒童餐. 餐點和大人的套餐雷同 ($800) Child meal - similar to adult's set meal
Dining Area
用餐區在二樓 - Dining area is located on the first floor
鳳臨的環境優雅, 適合聚餐, 踏青, 還可辦戶外的婚禮. 不過就食物而言, 我比較推薦食養山房. Fong Lin is great for a day's outing. You can also have garden party or outdoor wedding at this venue. Overall, Fong Lin is very similar to Shi-Yang and I would recommend Shi-Yang as it serves better quality of food.
鳳臨 Fong Lin
02 29361230
Close on Mondays
食養山房 http://pingpengpong.pixnet.net/blog/post/145521114/