純自家製的ice cream 與 sorbet (不加奶的水果口味冰淇淋) 在民生社區出現摟. 2013年3月份開幕的Ice-On 是由兩位愛好冰淇淋的大男生合力誕生的小店. 除了ice cream 還有賣smoothies and milkshake. 店雖小但是店內的口味獨特, 創新又美味 (每球約$60 - $75不等). 超級愛吃綠茶冰淇淋的我, 一吃就愛上了! 它有和Hagen Daz一樣的茶葉香, 但是自家製的ice cream新鮮又香濃, 單價一球$60, 相對親民許多. 值得一提的還有Ice-On的cones也是自家製的歐! 香香脆脆, 不會太甜. 帶我們來的兒時玩伴好姐妹點的芒果與綠茶. 超好吃! Ice-On is located near the roundabout in Mingshen Community. All ice cream and sorbet are made in-house. Nature and healthy ingredents are used at reasonable price ($60 to $75 per scoop depends on the flavour). The cones are also made in-house. Smoothies and milkshake are also available here. I am a big fan of green tea ice cream - Ice-On's is as nice as Hagen Daz's. Photo below is Mango and Green Tea Ice Cream. Yum~
我點的黑芝麻與綠茶, 黑芝麻好香好純, 超好吃. 還令我回憶起了大學時代在澳洲雪梨唐人街邊的 Passionflower 冰店 - 真的是時光飛逝, 歲月如梭啊! Black Sesame and Green Tea - rich in flavour with strong aroma.
大碗公點的dark chocolate 與黑芝麻 - 微苦的dark chocolate, 很香, 不膩. 讚! Dark Chocolate and Black Sesame - the dark chocolate was bitter yet smooth and tasty.
愛吃冰淇淋的朋友千萬別錯過. I highly recommend Ice-On if you are a big fan of ice cream!
台北市松山區三民路113巷3號 (7-11對面)
02 27619518
Open daily 11am to 9pm