好友珍珠兔介紹位於內湖的五棧小館是個有個性的小館 - 不起眼的招牌; 一周只開五天; 不論是午餐還是晚餐時段, 內用或外帶的食客總是很多; 由於是半開放式的廚房, 廚房師父和外場的老闆娘往往因溝通不良而吵架! 總括以上幾點, 想吃的人一定要耐心的等等等; 不過它的雞腿跟東坡肉真的是太好吃了, 值得等待! 五棧小館之前賣的是便當, 一個主菜搭配三種每日替換的小菜, 非常豐富. 這回再度造訪, menu 做了小小的改變, 只有單點, 三種每日替換的小菜不再提供. 不過重要的雞腿, 黃魚跟東坡肉還在菜單上 (真叫我鬆了口氣)! 在一個下著大雨平日中午11:30來到五棧小館, 已經有五組外帶的食客, 我們還是等了超過半小時菜才送上.
Partner in crime - Rabbit Pearl took me to this eatery half a year ago. It became one of my favourite eateries to date. Their Taiwanese style fried drumstick has won my vote being the best in town. Be prepared to wait for a while as the chefs and the owner are in their own pace when serving their customers.
東坡肉 - 肥瘦適中, 紅燒地肥而不膩, 香味撲鼻, 十分下飯, 小小年紀的飯帥光吃東坡肉就吃了一碗飯.
Braised Pork (Dong Po Pork) - it may look oily but it tasted just right. Tender pork with strong aroma serves best with hot steam rice.
油豆腐和燙豆苗 - 不失水準的兩道小菜. Side dishes - tofu and vege. Met the standard
炸排骨 - 跟炸雞腿的炸粉是相同的. 不過排骨可能醃製時間過長, 鹹了點. Fried Pork (boneless) - same patty as fried drumstick. Though it was bit salty as the pork may be over-marinated.
炸雞腿, 應是我吃過最好最優的. 雞肉非常多汁, 不油膩, 味道不會過重. 太美味了!
My favourite - fried drumstick. Probably the best I have tasted in Taipei. Very tender and juicy. Not too oily nor salty. Two big thumbs up!
雖然已經換了menu, 但是主角們仍然在, 以後我還要再來試試黃魚.
There is a slight change on their menu since my last visit. However, I still opt for their fried drumsticks - a rare find in town.
Open Monday to Friday
Lunch - 11:30 to 13:30
Dinner - 17:30 to 19:30