連續下了超過一星期的雨, 雨終於停了! 來到位於天母Sogo旁的Pizzeria Oggi用午餐, 心情隨著大太陽放晴. Pizzeria Oggi 專賣pizza, 也有沙拉及開胃菜可選. 最優的是它的pizza餅皮非常好吃, 薄薄地, 口感很好. 就算冷了也美味, 不會硬的像砂紙. Pizzeria Oggi 在民權東路靠近松山機場也開了一間店歐!
Pizzeria Oggi has two outlets in Taipei. We visited their first store in Tienmu who only serves pizza, salad and antipasti. However, good pizza means good business. They newly added a pizzeria outlet in Minquan East Road near Taipei Airport.
帕馬火腿芝麻葉pizza - 每桌都有點的ㄧ道!是Oggi的Top 1. 新鮮的芝麻葉吃起來微澀, 帕馬火腿有淡淡的煙薰味, 搭配的很棒, 當家花旦真的是當之無愧.
Prosciutto e rucola (Parma Ham with Rocket) - Top 1 in this eatery. I noticed that every table has ordered this pizza. Loved their dough, thin and chewy. Would defenitely order this pizza in my next visit.
瑪格麗特pizza - 好吃的薄餅皮加上蕃茄泥, 馬芝拉乳酪, 九層塔與新鮮番茄造就了瑪格麗特pizza. 有人說瑪格麗特pizza上的三個配料代表義大利國旗的三色 - 紅, 白&綠. 一家道地的pizza店一定要做出成功的瑪格麗特pizza. Oggi沒有令我失望.
Margherita - authentic tomato based pizza with mozzarella, fresh tomatoes and basil. A good margherita determines the authenticity of any Italian pizzerias. Pizzeria Oggi ticked my box.
惡魔pizza - 馬芝拉乳酪, 義式香腸, 黑橄欖片配上蕃茄醬為底的餅皮. 本來期待義式香腸應有的煙薰味, 但是口味淡了些, 有點可惜.
Diavola - tomato based pizza with mozzarella, pepperoni, black olives and oregano. I was expecting stronger hit from pepperoni but was bit disappointed with its mild taste.
今日綜合沙拉 - 新鮮蔬菜(生菜, 紅&黃椒還有西葫蘆瓜zucchini), 風乾核桃, 葡萄酒醋與乳酪絲的結合, 適合跟大家分享, 也適合關注卡路里的朋友一人獨享.
Oggi Salad - freshly cut salad including thinly sliced capsicum, lettuce with walnut. Dressed with light balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Surprised to find fresh sliced zucchini in Taipei! Suitable for whom is on diet but also great for sharing as a side.
Each pizza can cut into 6 slices. Surprisely I ate 5 on that day! Look at the oven below...Star Wars anyone?
Oggi 不大, 只有五張桌子加上一個長吧台, 口味道地, 十分接近Italy的水準歐. Oggi Tienmu is not sizeable. They only have 5 tables and a long stretched bar. Make your reservation to avoid disappointment.
Pizzeria Oggi 天母店
Pizzeria Oggi 民權店
open from 11:30