
曾經去過位於誠品信義店的FiFi茶酒沙龍, 非常喜歡它的菜, 決定再試試位於仁愛路復興路口的FiFi茶酒沙龍-常玉廳. 這回才知道FiFi茶酒沙龍是由知名的台灣服裝設計師溫慶珠開的. 餐廳內的佈置帶有濃郁的復古雅緻的中國風, 很有風格, 食物可口, 餐廳的佈置也賞心悅目歐! 鹹蛋黃脆花枝 - 新鮮的花枝外裹上薄薄的鹹蛋黃醬再油炸, 花枝吃起來一點也不老, 非常美味. Fi Fi Tea House Lounge is owned by well known Taiwanese Fashion designer Isabelle Wen. It has two outlets in Taipei. One in Eslite Bookshop in ShinYi District, the other one is at the corner of Ren Ai Road and Fu Xian Road. We visited that latter one on a raining evening and I loved their deco and food very much. Fried Squid with Salty Egg Yolk - Fresh squid coated with light batter of salty egg yolk was my favourite dish of the night. It was not chewy nor oily.


上海小排骨 - 看起來跟其它餐廳沒有差別, 但是一入口大家連聲說'肉怎麼這麼嫩'!醬汁微微甜, 非常下飯! 下回來還要點! Pork Ribs Shanghai Style - It was another highlight of the night. The pork ribs were tender and soft. Lightly sweetened sauce with sesame on the top was a great combination. 


金沙蝦仁 - 跟鹹蛋黃脆花枝雷同, 蝦仁外裹上鹹蛋黃入鍋油炸, 不油不膩, 大人小孩都愛吃. Shrimp with Salted Egg - similar to fried squid with salty egg yolk, this dish was aromatic and tender. Suitable for both kids and adults.


醋溜高麗菜 - 少許的黑醋與炒的脆脆的高麗菜是很好的組合. 黑醋不會太酸, 只是有醋的香氣. Stir Fried Cabbage with Vinegar Sauce - the black vinegar together with crunchy cabbage made this dish very appertising. 


椒麻淋雞 - 屬於一道冷菜, 雞肉上的椒麻真的好辣, 吃完感覺嘴唇一整圈痲痹了. 但是很好吃, 所以還是忍不住吃了不少.  Spicy Sauce Chicken - the sauce was a combination of garlic, ginger, spring onions and of course chilli. It was very spicy. The dish was served cold as an appertizer. We all enjoyed it even though it was very spicy.


豆酥鱈魚 - 豆酥過於油膩, 口味一般, 算是整晚最不優的一道菜.  Cod with Soybean Crumb - unfortunately it was the weakest dish of the night. The soybean crumb was too oily and salty.


砂鍋雞湯 - 蒜苗, 筍片, 薑絲以及一整只雞, 最優的是它熬了很久的雞湯, 非常好吃. 剛上桌時大家還說太大鍋了, 喝不完, 不料沒多久, 砂鍋就見底了! Double Boiled Chicken Soup -we were surprised by its portion when it arrived but we also finished it up very quickly as it was so tasty. Bamboo shoots, ginger slices, spring onions and a whole chicken were boiled for long time to make the soup very aromatic and healthy.


Interior views of the restaurant





FiFi 是間好吃又有中國風裝飾的餐廳, 適合朋友家人聚餐, 到東區一定要試試看歐!




opens from 11am









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