齊民民生市集位於民生東路四段, 接近敦化北路. 初次經過不曉得它賣得是什麼料, 直到有一天特意進去看看, 才知曉它是間專賣產地自銷, 無添加物的小火鍋店. 齊民民生市集是永豐餘企業所發展的另一品牌. 店內除了賣小火鍋, 還有些有機的根莖類蔬菜可買回家自理. 小火鍋吧臺前有準備好一筒筒的蔬菜筒. 不過這些是單點的. 商業午餐的蔬菜已經先放入鍋中才送到食客面前. Qi Min Market specialise in organic hot pot located near the corner of MinShen E Road, Sec 4 and Dung Hua N Road. They also have a corner of organic root vegetables for you to pick.
點菜完畢之後, 服務生會送上佐料自行搭配 Once ordered, you can mix and match your own dipping sauce.
我們當日點了商業午餐. 份量比單點的少了許多, 不過還是吃的很飽. 釜山醄婆婆韓式泡菜鍋 $198 - 泡菜夠酸但是不夠辣. 我覺得跟台式的泡菜更為接近. We ordered business lunch on the day of our visit. The portion is smaller compare to individually ordered. However, it was still quite filling after the meal. Kimchi Hotpot - the kimchi was sour yet not spicy enough. It's more like a Taiwanese flavoured kimchi, not Korean.
日本皇室八丁味噌鮮魚鍋 $198 - 魚肉新鮮, 不過味噌鍋底的味道偏淡. Miso Fish Hot Pot - fresh fish slices. However, the miso soup base was quite bland.
商業午餐附贈的白飯和拉麵 Steam rice and ramen as part of the buiness lunch
加點的手工虱目魚丸 $28 以及非基因天然生豆皮 $28 - 虱目魚丸的味道及口感屬一般, 生豆皮的黃豆香很濃厚. 值得推薦. Handmade Fish balls and Fresh Bean Curds - the fish balls were normal. I would recommend the bean curd was aromatic and chewy in texture.
我個人覺得齊民民生市集的裝潢與概念與現代接軌, 是可取之處, 也難怪吸引這麼多的人潮. 但是若只要評論他的口味, 我真的覺得一般. 畢竟在台灣這個寶島, 好吃的火鍋店太多了. Marketing and deco wise, Qi Min has defenitely won 2 big ticks from me. Unfortunately, I won't give it a tick judging based on its flavour. There are too many hot pot restaurants in Taiwan tasted better.
平日 1130-1430 / 1700-2200 ;假日1130-2200